Hunter, Hunter (Part 4)

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A demon, that's what we all decided. Or, that's what we decided after I showed them were the body was hanging from the ceiling over Asa's body. The demon that killed Asa. I didn't like the sound of that one bit. The demons I knew, the ones I met in Purgatory... They weren't the greatest people to be around. I thought of Crowley for a brief moment. But Crowley wasn't like them. Not at all.

"So how to we know who he's possessed?" Someone asked.

"It could be any one of us..." Someone else pointed out, everyone began looking wearily at each other. We all decided to play a guessing game. A rousing and twisted game of Clue. Asa's mother was besides herself. I didn't blame her. I also didn't like the look of the situation, or the way that a few of the hunters would give me suspicious glances that lasted a little too long. I could tell, everything would start spiraling out of control soon. A great many of us would be dead within the hour. I wasn't going to be one of those, neither was Sam, or Mary. I would make sure of that much, at least.

Split up. Did someone really just suggest that we split up? I glared at them a bit.

"This isn't a Scooby-Doo cartoon, Fred." I snapped slightly, "No one goes anywhere alone." I gave everyone a look that dared them to question me.

"Nellwyn's right. We need to stay in groups." Sam said, taking the charge that I had stolen from the room. So we all started making groups, naturally. Sam and Mary were together. Alicia and Max, those witch kids, they were a team, Jody and Bucky, Elvis was going to stay here with Asa's mom. I watched everyone with suspicion. I could usually sense when something was off about someone, but, with my instincts running wild and the old habit's from my short time in purgatory rising, I feared that my actions would result in someone's death. An innocent someone's death. And, although the thought of that didn't bother me as much as it should have, it bothered me that Sam and Dean would never look at me in the same way. Even now, I could tell, this look that I had on my face was scaring Sam just a bit.

As Jody moved to have everyone put down their weapons in the middle of the room, Sam nudged me. I glanced over at him, keeping one eye on everyone as they complained, but overall agreed, and began placing their guns and knives on the ground. I didn't move.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I slowly put my hand in my pocket, slow, but quick enough to not draw any attention. Alicia had been awfully quiet. Way too quiet, and I didn't like the air that was coming off of her.

"I'll be a lot better when this demon burns." I muttered back, spinning the knife in my hand and throwing it at Alicia so it whizzed past her head and stuck in the wall behind her. Max shouted at me, Sam moved to hold him back, Asa's mom was screaming and crying. But then everything froze when Alicia started laughing. I didn't take my eyes off her. She stared at me with eyes that were black as the night sky.

"Clever thing you are." She taunted. Max stepped away from her in fear. Everyone was on edge now. I blinked and showed my own set of black holes, staring back into hers.

"Takes one to know one, Jael." I composed myself. The demon laughed.

"Like it even matters. You'll all be dead before sunrise." she crossed her arms.

"Or I could kill you now." I let me get the best of myself and held up a hand.

Sam grabbed me.

"Nellwyn, no!" He yelled, snapping me back to myself as I watched the demon exit Alicia's body and disappear.

"Cocky bastard..." I muttered low enough so Sam wouldn't hear. No one else said a word. I looked up at Alicia, who was crying, at Max, who was comforting her. I wanted to say sorry, but I had nothing to be sorry for.

"Everyone, we need to find out where he is now." Sam said. There was a muttering that went around the room. I looked back at Sam.

"Do you want me to see if I can get us out of here?" I asked. Sam gave me a look, then nodded, patting my shoulder.

"Yeah. Keep a look out, try to get Dean's attention, try to get us out of here if you can." He instructed.

"Yeah." I nodded, and they all dispersed. I looked back at Elvis and Asa's mom.

"I'll be in the front, if you need me, just yell." I muttered. They both just stared at me. I cleared my throat and looked down. "Sorry about the wall." I muttered again, referring to the knife I had thrown earlier as I walked away. 

The Orinia (Part 2 of Nellwyn's advetures)Where stories live. Discover now