➺ My Jhansi Ki Rani

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Narration : 3rd Person.
Main Protagonists : Shivaay Singh Oberoi x Annika Shivaay Singh Oberoi.
Other Characters : Mahi [The Imposter] x Rudra Singh Oberoi x Omkara Singh Oberoi x Priyanka Singh Oberoi.
Status : Highly Unedited.

S H I V A A Y S T U D Y R O O M.

"Don't worry bhaiya, I will take great care of that gangaram" Rudra said with a smirk, making himself comfortable on the chair as he took a bite of his apple while the rest grinned in response.

"but how you gonna take Annika there?" Priyanka asked confused, as she shifted on the chair, hitting Rudra on his knee as he dragged it to her lap.

"Well," Shivaay started, as he walked towards Rudra, "I have my charming ways" he took the apple from his brother's hand and took a bite, winking as he gave them his charming smile.

Despite scowling at his brother for taking his apple, Rudra couldn't help but grin at his words, "Don't you think Bhaiya? you are getting romantic?" he nothing but sighed, "I think Choti Ma's wish is going to be ture soon"

"What wish?" Priyanka, ever the naïve little girl, asked confused.

Rudra just scoffed, "Sometimes I doubt are you actually my sister?"

"Stop being a douche and tell me" She smacked him on the legs yet again. Rudra glared at her but seeing that if he'll be in that position he'll continue to get the blow, Rudra crawled all the way to the other side of the desk and sat on the chair where Om was leaning against the book shelve behind him, looking amused by their actions. Shivaay shook his head knowing better than scolding his brother for crawling on the damn study desk.

Rudra started casually, "Do you know anything about Sex---

Before he could even finish his sentence, Priyanka was jumping of her chair and leaping onto the desk to smack Rudra across his face shutting his all together while both Shivaay and Omkara were shocked to even react.

"Rudra!!" Priyanka screeched, her eyes wide like saucers, recognition of what he was implying hitting her, "Dare you say anything more than that" her face was red from embarrassment, as she slumped on the chair.

Rudra had his hand on the side of the cheeks where Priyanka had smacked him, his eyes equally wide. Confusion written in the lines of his heads as he furrowed his brows to understand the situation and then the anger came. Leaping off the chair himself, he leaned in, ready to attack Priyanka who screamed and moved her chair backward just in time as she missed his hand who was going to tug her precious hair.

"I'm gonna kill You Prinku" Rudra flared his nose in irritation. He moved away from there just to avoid her blows but even then she isn't satisfied. Om was the one who held Rudra back as he started screaming profanities to her while Shivaay just stood in front of Priyanka as she held his blazer and peeked from behind his back.

"whoa, whoa, whoa!" Omkara exclaimed, "stop it Rudra"

"Why would she hit me like that?" Rudra screamed, struggling from the grip, as he looked dangerously at his younger sister, "I was just answering her questions"

"You should have been a bit more subtle?" Priyanka squeaked from her place, feeling flustered again after the adrenaline washed off.

"It's not my problem that you couldn't take the subject of sex, you brat" Rudra screamed while Priyanka just looked humiliated, Omkara screaming at him to stop as he pushed him on the chair again while Shivaay seemed resigned to his fate.

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