➺Their Princess

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Pari-- the name itself made him smile lovingly and eyes stink at the same time for no reason.He sat in the room where he had first saw his angle,his Pari,she was indeed a fairy,sended by god especially to them so that there gloomy life can fill with some love,laughter and adventure.Well taking care of her was a big mission in it's own way.

He smiled sadly as he though of the moment when he had sang for her for the first time, not at all bothering whhat other;s will say because making her stop wailing was way more important then his bassless vocal.And for the first itme in his life he felt the urge to sing once again just for her but see what happeend?his Pari is not there she left them and he couldn't do anything just stare at his world going away from him.

yes that little angle had created such a close bond with him that he couldn't leave her even for a second and for once he thought her to be his daughter,weather later the test came negative but he had already accepted her as his daugter,by soul. as she came she,she imprinted her marks over his heart and how much he tried he can't rub them off.She had become a part of his life and seeing her going away from him had shattered him into a thousand shreds.

well Shivaay Singh Oberoi, never break down in front of anyone,No he had to maintain his posture to be strong in front of everyone but little did he know that his eyes show every deepest secrets of his?No, the answer is as simple as that, because he doesn't have control on them how freaking times he tried to hide it, it come crystal clear everytime making him exposed to everyone.

He too wanted to say something to his princess, but he couldn't because his words died out in his throat as soon as it open to say somethingg and other reason for this is that if he would have taken her with him for one more second then he would have lost his sanity and would have cried bitterly for her,but but but,it was against his rule,he can't show his vulnerable side to his family,No and neither he was able to let her go.But Pari needs her family and so he let her go.

giving her to the lady had made him think something going away from him,maybe this is the magic of his princess,she was so connected to him that he felt a part of him going away with her,and his heart squeezed in his heart but at the same time it fluttered with love when she didn't left his finger, He heard rudra say that it was his name that she took first and he felt the tears going to slide down his cheeks at that very moment,so he simply with a heavy heart removed his finger and planted an effectionate kiss on her hair,He will sure miss her in his arms,the way she used to snuggle onto him for warmth,he will miss every damn thing of her.

He don't know when his tears made it's way to his cheeks in this four confined of a roo,when he felt a hand on his shoulder,because of his princess thought he wasn't able to sense her but he knew whose hand it wererubbing off his cheeks,composing himself he turned to see tear eyes staring back at him with a sad smile.He know she was equally affected as much as he was,he had seen the motherly feeling radiating from them when annika and pari were together.

If anyone would have seen them together they would have been mistaken that she was her own mother it 's obvious as for a milli sec or maybe at times he too felt the same,how happy he would have been if this was truely the truth,Pari being their daughter.But to some exted they were doing it.He don't know how his princess got so attached to her in just a mery day,and of some good reasons he felt jealous for this,as his princess was more close to his wife,no his ex-wife then him but at the same time it gave him a feeeling of togetherness.

"Crying wouldn't make a person weak shivaay,it just make the person relief and calm"she whispered as she gave a soft squeeze on his shoulder making him look at her with tear filled eyes.Sitting just beside him she held his hands which was holding her pari clothes and gripped it tight,"pari will be okay na?"shivaay asked after a pause looing at the piece of cloth in their handsannika just smiled at her over protective husband although they are divorced she can't stop thinking her im as her husband,"I know the goons fiasco had made you a little distress but believe me shivaay Pari is in sae ands,arre she is with her mother,nothing would happen to her"she said softly trying to make him understand but sigh dejectedly.

"But she's too small"

"Yes I know but there are people who are taking care of her shivaay so relax"she said and she blinked her yes in assurance making him sigh,how much he tried to calm hislef he could stop worrrying of his princess,what if the goons come again and tried to kidnap her ?She is so small who would help her,It was him that day that he took the situation under control and saved his Pari from that bas***d but now who wilrescue her?that day his heart skipped a bit when he saw the person moing forward to take his princess in his armsa fear of loosing her had blinded him with such a force that he couldn't stop himself and lauched over hthe goon beating him black and blue.But at last she was save that too in the arms of his lady love,who was equally atressed out as him.

This is the most important thing he love about her,she being as protective as him,yes the only thing which is similar as his was the love and protectiveness she show for her loved one and he is glad that she was here with him.Rubbing his face with his palm,inhaling his princess scent he gave out a frustaded groan"I was so scared when the goon tried to take her"he whispered letting out his fears in front of her,she knew this,as the terrible frightened stricken face was all she could see when he turned but the next moment it wsas changed to a softer and relief one.

"Shivaay she is safe now"she whispered audibly,"I know"he sighh dejectedly. Not getting informations about her had taken a toll over him,he only know how much he had called to everyone in the house when he had to go to his office for some really impostant work just to know that Pari was doing alright.If hShe waould have been with anyone in the house right now,he would ahve called more that ten times until now as now after the incident ,it was hard for him to not to know her situation,she was like a treasurable gem for him.

His mobile vibrated and he looked at it to see a image plopping in his screen and he felt his lips turn up a tlittle higher in an affectionate smile,as there was his princess sleeping peacefully on a soft matress with the ducky close to her chest as she squeezed it.Annika too looked at the screen as tears finally rolled down her cheeks as she smiled admiringly,"see shivaay , she is safe"annika whispered still looking at the screen,shivaay just nodded his head , his eyes not leaving his mobile screen.

"I miss you Pari"he siad as he leaned forward and kissed the screen as tears made it's way to his cheeks.He know she is safe but he will surely go and meet her soon,

"We will surely go to her and meet her what's say?"annika said with an excited voice making him look at her with a smile,she always say the things he was to say much before,"we will surely do"he said as he rubbed off his tears and smiled at her while she too did the same.


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