40. New Feelings [Redux]

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Moving towards the kitchen Annika realised that the servants really didn't took out the gold plate which was kind of sacred for the family and need to be present in today's veneration. Nodding her head disappointedly she looked around to find not a single soul present nearby her. She need to know where is that plate kept. Moving towards Dadi's room as she is the only one to tell her the location she reached her room and saw the old lady sitting on the armchair with an album in her hand and even at this age, her hands were stiff and fair as it would be in her early 30's. Well it's just what Annika thought as she knocked on the door.

The old lady as if being in a dream, looked up and Annika didn't failed to notice that she was crying. Kalyani on the other hand, wiped off her tears as fast as she could and smiled softly at her, "yes Annika darling, is there anything you want to know about?" She asked curious as Annika glanced at her sympathetically. Well she knows who's photo she must be looking at and crying as Khanna told her about Mr and Mrs. Shakti Oberoi but never really disclosed how the two died Beside she never got the need to ask anything as she felt she might be interfering in their personal matter. And it was just yesterday she too realised why Mr. Oberoi behaved so indifferent with her at the hospital and she felt terrible for saying that to him.

Well, she never knew about him else she wouldn't have said anything Beside he shouldn't have said that either. And it seems both of them were on the same boat. He doesn't know about her - as if he should know - and she doesn't know about him - as if she cares too - and both of them told each other whatever came to their mind due to their raging mind. But above all this he was the only one to strike that topic which involved her mother. Oh! how she wished she was there with her and haven't left them like this. Even if she hated her from the deepest corner of her heart she just can't deny the fact that she was the one who gave birth to her. God, why he need to be so cruel to her where she doesn't even know whether she should be upset with her mother or whether she was her mother altogether or it was all just a mere lie? Her eyes watered at that thought but she held herself not to break down in front of the old lady. Smiling sadly at her she politely asked for the location of the plate and got to know that it was in the storeroom which was beside Shivaay's room.

Handling her the keys, Kalyani blessed her saying that she is looking beautiful and went away muttering that she is going to see how's Priyanka is doing. Annika left the room and went towards the store room. On her way towards it, her mobile rang. Glancing over it she stopped abruptly and her fingers immediately went for the receiving button.

"Hello, Nikhil?" She asked, "Where are you? No calls. No text as well no meeting up?" She was really curious to know where he could be, he just vanished in thin air.

"Oh, Annika. Chill girl" Nikhil tried to calm her down, "I have been trying to call you but there the networks weren't working properly. I told you about my new case and for that I need to go to a small village and I tried calling you earlier but it was switched off."

"Yeah, right" Annika muttered thoughtfully as she realised her mobile's state while she started walking again, "so how was the case? You won. right?"

"Of-course!" Nikhil was elated, "and you know what? I have a good news for you as well"

"What good news it could be then you winning the case huh!?" She smiled fondly at her friend cum boyfriend's achievement and took a right turn straight towards shivaay's room.

"Well, it is much more important and better" he answered and soon his voice turned a bit nervous, "I know I'm late but as I have promised earlier, I'm coming with my family at your place for the alliance"

Annika was stunned for a few seconds and gasping She faltered in her steps and closed her eyes to feel the cold ground when two unfamiliar, strong arms held her in place and she was saved. Unknown to her the speaker button got on and Lifting up her eyelashes she met soft green orbits with brown flecks staring up at her with awe and admiration. They stared at each other like there was no tomorrow until the voice on the other side of the receiver called out for her. Shivaay could hear a manly voice asking for her and the curiosity which hit him, made him restless to know who is the man she is talking to.

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