25.||Confrontations|| Ft.Obros.

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Rudra with steady steps entered shivaay's room to see him busy on his laptop.

"Bhaiya"ganing the attension of his elder brother he moved towards him,closing the laptop screen making the other amuse at his antics he took his wrist and started dragging him towards the door.

"Rudra,what are you doing?I need to send some important mails"shivaay said making him stop,"We need to have a talk with O and this is urjent"well Rudra singh Oberoi scarcily sounds  serious when there is alot of trouble going on and which shivaay didn't knew off, sometimes it come up to be totally useless making him irriated but at times it too come out to be freaking serious.

The calm soothing orbs were suddenly filled with unsaid worry,"is om alright?"he asked with a fear gripped voice,rudra glanced at his over protective brother who was now in his full the-great-wall-of-shivaay-singh-Oberoi mood.

"No he is alright"he started making him gave out a  sigh of relief"But He is not at all alright"rudra said in a stressed out voice.

"what the hell do you mean rudra,Say it correctly" shivaay was now frustated as he only know what is happening to him,Om is a person about whom he is really protective and now whatever rudy was telling was making him troubed.

"O is out of his mind! I saw Gauri Bhabhi going out of the mansion crying and when I tried to stop her she didn't listen and went away, I know this is all because of O, he would have said something to bhabhi and so she is like this"rudra reasoned himself making shivaay nod his head in affirmation,he know what is the equation of Gauri and Omkara,and he know  this is the time he need to talk to him regarding it.

"let's Go"he said and both the brother went to their philosiphical Brother who was siting on his bed with a lost look or more precisely lost in the thought of his wife who had gone saying that she will not return and he being the highly-confused-man, doesn't know what to do?

"Om,O"both the brothers called out in sync making the the person who was adresed to look at them with a look of I-need-some-time-alone, but who would listen that too these to stuborn brother's of his.

"We need to talk"shivaay said in a authorised voice,rudra noded in affirmation making the middle Oberoi sigh in frustation.They are not going to leave him now,He know and he too know why they were here.

"I don't wanna talk about gauri at this very moment"he whispered while extending his hand infront of him making the two look at each other with a knowing look,they were right,he was thinking of his wife.

"who said that we are here to talk about Chulbul bhaiya to you?We have more important work then that,Right Bhaiya?"rudra signalled shivaay to say yes while he just rubbed his forehead with his index finger and noded"Yes he is right,we are here for someother reason"shivaay said and came forward followed by rudra in toe.

"Then what do you want to talk about?"Om said rolling his eyes at their futile attempt to lie to him who had the best ability to loook at someone and say that the person had said the truth or the lie.

"I wanted to tell you a story"shivaay said instantly making rudra look at him bewildered,Moving towards his brother's ear he whispered"Are we really going to tell him a story?Like really bhaiya? He is not pari who will listen to your story and getting the moral will make everything okay with Bhabhi" Shivaay just smack the back of his head groaning at his stupid reply.

"You were the one who said that we are here for soemthing else and so whatever came to my mind I told it to him"he said glaring at him while rudra pouted "so there are soo many words except story , you would have used something else like we wanted to talk about today's weather or--"

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