➺ Tranquility

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Shivaay stood near the stairs talking to someone on the mobile, "Yes keep those files ready I will be soon there"he said and was going to end the call when the lights went off"What the Wuck!!" screaming his heart out, he looked around to see is anyone near to him,swaying his phone screen for illumination.

"Oh god! The lights went off, now what will happen to me?I'm so scared,Mummy O , Bhaiya where are you all"rudra shrill voice was heard making him roll his eyes.

Drama Queen.

when he found himself engulfed by a manly arms and he know who was the person.

Rudra! ofcourse, he will never change.

Rolling his eyes, he made him out of his back distancing his dumbell brother away from him"What is this rudra?You are a grown up man now please stop crying like a baby"he said irritately while he pouted"Haww! Bhaiya, I'm always a small baby, did you hear me , for everyone I'm small"he said and once again hugged him making him smile at his antics.

As usual, he will never change.

"okay now see everyone is here or not, I'm going out to see what's the problem" Saying so he moved out of the mansion.

On reaching inside he found the hall dimly lighted and found almost everyone there,

Something was still amiss.

"What happened Shivaay'dadi's worried voice hit his eardrum "Some wire have rupthured and nothing much, I don't know who the hell did it and the inverter is not working,I think I need to fire each one those stupid heads out from here"he said angrily rubbing his fingers at the lenght of his forehead.

"BTW you all sit here, the light will soon come" he said while the rest noded.

Going through the Emails on his phone he was alert when he heard Gauri say"Ye annika Bhaujai kahan hai?' and then realization dawned upon him as why he was feeling restless.

Annika is not here. but where she is?

He looked around in the hall to get a glimpse of her but on not finding her he was freaked out.

Oh God! how Can I forget that she is afraid of darkness.

"Accha hua wo yahan par nahi hai, manhoos kahinki, humme kya usse jo hoga de---" he could hear his mother went out her venom like talks about her but she stopped midway when he screamed at her"Just stop it mom!"


Why Mom always say all this to her doesn't she know it hurts me when I listen all this?

"I said not a word didn't you hear me out?"he said and this was the end of the diccussion.

"Billu, go and see where is annika"dadi scaed voice was all which send a shiver ran down his spine.

I hope she is alright.

"Om rudra let's go and see where she is"he said immediately and with that all the three brothers went in search of her in the dark.

"She was in her room when I last saw her"rudra said making him ran towards her room ok scratch it their room while the other two grinned in response.

"Now they will surely sort out everything"Rudra said elated while Om nodded smiling.It was their plan to bring them closer, they know how much annika is afraid of darkness and they feel really bad doing this to her but they had to do this, So rudra disecreatly had cut off the wire o the holder as well as the inverter and om had asked gauri to scream annika name innitially so that shivaay should get to know that she is not there and as excepted, he wen out in search of his wife.

Shivaay entered the room and pointed his torch from the phone around to see it empty.

Where would be she now?

he went inside and started looking for her when some noise caught his atttension that was coming from the bathroom.

She is in the bathroom, thank god she is alright.

not thinking twice, he started to bang on the door asking for her but nothing came except mere whipspers of 'Shivaay Help me' making him more panicked, he just banged himself on the door, in an attempt to break it and after two to three attempts the door was left ajar as he moved in not at all giving any attension of the surrounding.

Panic had made him blind, seeing his annika safe and sound was the only thing he want at this very moment.

he looked around trying to see throught the dim illumination and his eyes fall over a form claded in a white bathrobe, with her knees close to her chest as she rocked, muttering something under her breath.

it hurts him seeing her like this.

In an instant, he crouched towards her , his knees touching the wet floor"Annika" he whispred and shaked her, she just dipped her head in between her leg, not at all trying to look up making him more stressed,"Annika are you alright"he asked once again trying to make her look at him, she had her eyes closed, sweat and water were mixed together making her look liek as if she had just came out of the shower with wet hair.

"Annika look at me, see it's me, Shivaay"he said softly rubbing her cheeks tenderly with his thumb when she slowly opened her eyes, he was blown away by the intensity of her cocoa brown eyes who was filled with fear! raw crytal fear, tears rolling down her cheek as she looked at the pair of orbs which was filled with love.

"Shivaay" she whispered with quivering lips

he didn't said much and took her in his embrace as she instantly got hold of his shirt in a tight grip not at all ready to move apart, her body was cold as ice.

"Shivaay please don't leave me, Please"she continue to chant this mantra while he just ran his hand at the lenght of her spine asssuring her.

I'm always there for you annika.

her trembling form was giving him the conclusion that she was still in the delimma, he parted and holded her face with his palm making her look at him "Annika calm down dear! see I'm here with you,please stop crying"he said soft yet there was a hint of restlessness.

She once again hugged him "Please just stay here"feeling secure in his arms was the last thing she ever wanted, it was soothing her tired veins, how much she had missed these hugs, his colongue lingering her nostrils making her calm.

He sat there taking her in his arms, and for once he thought that the time stop still and they would be like this forever.


the lights came but seeing her he realized that she fainted, slapping her cheeks to bring her back , it didn't worked.

he sigh and took her in his arms making his way out of the bathroom and then towards the bed, making her comfortable on the soft mattress he covered her with the duvet, stroking her hair he sat there, looking at her face, which was now a little calmer then before, he smiled.

Bending forward he kissed her forehead tenderly.

I won't leave you ever annika, I Promise.


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