48| To Help You Greet The End |Part 1|

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*Major Character Death Ahead* (I'm a devil, I know. Thankyouverymuch)


"Most people choose to leave when we remove the ventilator and other supply" Dr. Wali explained, her voice soft as a feather, an underline of remorse visible at the edge of her each word. Being a doctor for almost two decades now, she was trained not to feel anything other than being a supportive doctor to her Patients - straight and practical - yet the man sitting in front of her made her hesitant, almost afraid that any harsh word is going to break the smoldering grief that engulf the atmosphere. Like they are afraid of what is hidden underneath the harsh reality.

"We will bring you in as soon as we are done. There will be monitors monitoring her and an IV tube. After doing the final care I'll give you some privacy"

Shivaay didn't even flinch when someone gripped his shoulder and squeezed it a little and he felt his lips wobble.

Taking a deep breath, he started, his voice hoarse as if he had swallowed sand, "Do you have any idea how long..." he trailed off, not at all having the guts to finish the sentence which his heart is not yet ready to believe. He knows he had to accept it anyway, today, tomorrow, a week, a year later, but he still doesn't want to accept that the love of his life is going to leave him behind soon.

"It's hard to estimate" The doctor murmured, "sometimes it takes an hour while sometimes the patient lingers for a few days. But estimating her brain condition, she might fell somewhere in between" pinching the inside of her mouth she brought herself to a pause, her eyes sad as she started again, voice low, "There won't be any discomfort or pain since the IV will be providing a number of different medications to help her"

Shivaay knew about whose discomfort she was talking about because even if he is not a doctor and he never experienced death this close, yet he knows that death is painless - like a boat flowing aimlessly in the wide ocean with a sense of wordless trust that it will not be drowning it.

There was this darkness - Shivaay decided - which engulfed his universe the moment he saw the life leaving the beautiful eyes of his wife in his arms as he begged her to hold on. He still curses that day and he will continue to do so because that was the day they met with an accident leading to a severe hit to Annika's chest. He was conscious enough to crawl his way through blood and tears towards his wife and he knew - deep inside him - this was the end. The way she was whimpering in pain - her mouth agape as she took in some much-needed air into her almost crushed lungs - told him something he refused to believe.

Please. Please don't leave me, Annika. Please.

She had her eyes open, gasping as tears spilled through the fully blown pupils - fear engulfing her soul - and he wonders what she might be thinking? Was she thinking about him or was she grieving over the thought that she will not be able to see her kid grow into a fine woman someday?

Torn between extreme pain, Shivaay had gathered her in his arms and held her close, begging, crying doing anything, and everything that might save her. She only had a small cut to her forehead else everything seemed fine but he knew nothing was fine. Her eyelids fluttered a bit and Shivaay just slapped her cheeks to keep her from moving in the abyss of somewhere he dares to accept. "Hey, Stay with me" his voice was watery, his body protesting him to let go and sleep but the adrenaline rush forced them away.

"Sh-hiv" Annika had whispered, as she stared at him, trying to recognize all his features but the next moment she was in a coughing fit. Shivaay propped her a little to ease her and then laid her again when the cough dissolves - bringing her breath into an erratic game of chase - as he saw the plea in her eyes and heard it right and clear --- comfort me. Lie to me. Tell me I'm going to be okay, promise me that I'm not dying. If you say it, I can believe it. Please.

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