35.||The Night Before The Exile||

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Annika turned, trying to snuggle into the peaceful wamrth of her man but ended up hugging the soft pillow, she squeezed it hard and rubbed her cheeks against it as if trying to recognise it.

Extending her arms more, trying to get hold of him she realized the place was cold and empty just the way he seems to be behaving that whole day, opening her half drowsy eyes, trying to adjust to the light which fell upon her face from the lamp beside the bedside table, she looked around, raking her eyes all around in search of him. Earlier, he used to be near the glass window speaking in hush tone to his clients just to not to disturb her sleep or must have been sitting on the couch with the bluetooth and laptop beside him but today he was no where to be seen.

Thinking that he must be in the bathroom, she lay there, now fully awake as she looked at the white ceiling above her, pulling the blanket close to herslef as the cold winter winds made her shudder in response.

whatever happened today, it revolves around her mind, well, today was one of the most wierdest day she had ever experienced in this mansion just because Shivaay was behaving out of character, he was like a lost man who lost his everything and now wondering upon his losses while doing nothing in particular.

She tried to ask him why he's behaving like this but everytime she tried a simple 'I'm busy, we'll talk later' always made him safe from speaking the truth.

Sighing, she looked at the bathroom door and sat up, grabbing her mobile she saw the time to realize it was past two o' clock. shifting off the warm blanket, she felt the ice chilly wind pierce her skin like bullets but she didn't stop, else grabbing a shawl she wrapped it around herself and went towards the bathroom to find it empty leaving her to wonder where he could be at this hour of night.

Existing the room she moved about, her eyes trying to find the particular person who was her reason to live. she reached the coridoor, it was dark and eriee, the atmosphere made ehr think about the last horror movie she saw making her gulp hard, muttering a few words of encouragement to herself she walked through the white marble, suddenly she heard sound of someone weeping, well who would be weeping like this in the middle of the night?

Her breath quicken, she moved forwards to hear the sound was coming from inside a room, well more precisely from Rudra's room, but today Om was also accomapining him as Gauri was sleeping with Dadi. She moved ahead, her steps getting more cautious each passing second, opening the door a little ajar, so that she could see what's going inside.

Her eyes filled up with tears as she saw whatever was happening inside the room, her throat getting dry because of the numb which started bubling up there. She saw Shivaay sitting beside Rudra and Om's sleeping form while a photo frame of them held close to his heart as tears effrotlessly descend down his cheeks. she never saw something like this, well never imagined it though and entered Rudra's room not at all making any sound.

With a feeble smile she reached him making him concious of someone in the room other then him, "Shivaay" she whsipered letting him know about her presence, he stilled, and after a few seconds he turned to look at her who was looking at him with flash of concern shining in her cocoa brown orbs.

"What happen Shivaay?" she asked as she caressed his subtle with her palm, the cold invisible tears striking her warm palm making her flush.

He didn't said much, he just turned and looked at his lifelines, his brother who were in deep slumber hugging each other like teddy bear, "I will miss them annika" he whispered letting out his insecurities in front of her making her confuse as well as amused, "No one is going anywhere shivaay" she said grabbing his shoulder and squeezing it trying to convince him while been unaware of the things which Is going to happen tommorow morning, "we all are here with each other"

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