To Help You Greet the End |Part II|

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Well look who's here after such a long break! I'm still on break, mind you. Just finsihed something so thought of sharing it with you all. Hope you all are doing just fine :)

Those of you who are wondering what this story is -- just read the first part before this chapter and you'll understand.

As always, there is Major Character death here, so Bewareeeeee

Happy Reading!

P.S - Sorry for making you cry in advance :(


Shivaay almost wished that he had been there in the room when they were removing the ventilator. However, he also knows that it's better that way. Because no one wants to think of their wives like this: tubes ripped off from their throat and another set of tubes being removed from the nose. He can't imagine himself seeing her in such a condition.

It was the best option, kinder. Without the trauma of watching that medical equipment being removed, he could see his beautiful wife like the way she was. Normal. No tube, wires, or monitor pads attached to her like it's her lifeline (which it was). Her. Just her sleeping.

Almost alive.

Her getting ready for leaving him behind forever.

The thought made bile rush up his throat, his head dizzy but he tried to keep it all together. He can't just break down right now. No. He had done that a lot in the past month. Whether in the darkness of his room, in that damn hospital room while holding her limp hand or in front of everyone. He can't afford to do that again. Maybe later, but not now. He's got all the time in his life to grieve.

A small part of him still wanted to keep her with him. If it's possible but he realized what a grave mistake he was doing while keeping her there. To attach her to all those machines so that they can breathe for her for his sake of mind. He can't be cruel to his wife. No, he can't. He had been selfish for the past month when everyone had told him to let her go. When he knew there was no chance for her recovery because her brain was dead. Still, he tried to hold on to her for a bit more. He was that small child who still believed in miracles. But it wasn't like that anymore. He knew. And so he decided to let her go. He realized he could breathe a bit better. He felt a bit lighter but nothing could compare the sting, the emptiness he feels in his heart.

But not knowing hurt. He spends every single moment wondering if this is how he was going to let her go. He wonders whether she will be breathing. Dr. Wali told that it's highly unlikely for her lungs to fail after they removed the tube for the second time. How much time will it take? How much time does he want? Would he even be ready? He tries to make himself ready for that situation but he knew he could never make himself come to peace with this. Would it be quick? He wants it to be quick however he also wants to suck up all those moments slowly as possible because she will be there with him for the last time.

Dr. Wali stepped out of the room with a small sad smile, "you can go inside now"

Nodding, he let Gauri lead him, she stepped ahead but stopped in front of the door, her hands ready to push it, then she looked up to the doctor and started with a hoarse voice, "how is she doing?" Her voice cracked in the end but no one tried to point that out.

"Initially she started gasping when we removed the tube, but we controlled it from the onset," the doctor said with sad eyes.

"So, you are saying she is breathing?" Shivaay said, his voice hopeful. But he didn't know why he needed that reassurance that she is breathing because the whole point of this thing was for her not to breathe. The right thing. The humane thing. But even after all this, even after deciding to let her go, he couldnt come to peace with the thought of her just ceasing.

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