32.||Traffic Clearing||

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"This is not at all done" shivaay whined like a small child who had been made to go to school during weekends and looked at his watch to see the time.

It's been only half an hour and tons of phone calls had been made to him from different members of his family because today he was back to Mumbai after more then 5 years from Cambridge where he had done his higher studies and also look after the branch there but he was struck in this traffic for more then fifteen minutes just because the minister of Mumbai, whoever he is, is going to pass.

Well no one, not even the president of this country had the guts to make Shivaay Singh Oberoi to wait for no reason, clutching the newspaper which he was reading, he growled at his driver to go and see why it's taking this long.

The poor fellow, who shiver at once, nodded without any word and went to see what's the matter.

Shivaay tapped his feet as he waited for his driver to come, a few seconds later, the driver came with a frightened face, well he wasn't frighten because of his boss, but for the poor policeman who had ignored him telling him to ask his boss to wait few minutes more as the minister is more important then anyone else.

On listening to the words of the police man, anger raged through his veins, slamming the newspaper beside him shivaay came out adjusting his glares from the blazing sun, as he took a step forward someone stopped him, "Excuse me" a soft femine voice was heard from behind him and he turned "Yes" he asked as he took off his glares,he saw a petite girl in a sky blue churidaar gown with white netted dupatta, standing in front of him with a small smile. Something was unique of her smile, it seems to make him cool down.

"Can I borrow your blazer" she said eyeing his white jacket, "for a few minutes?"

Shivaay looked here and there and then at his jacket and again at the girl, "this?" he asked confused as to why she wanted this, "why?"

"we all are struck in this traffic" the girl grinned, "so just wait and watch how I clear this out"

"But how this jacket will help you?"

"I think" she smirked, "now I need to borrow you too, let's go" grabbing his hand she dragged him towards the two policeman who were busy listening to the order barked to them on their walkie -talkie.

As they neared them the girl stopped in her tracks and took the blazer off shivaay while his eyes widen in shock as he saw the girl inserting his jacket under her gown.

"What the wuck!!" Shivaay was shocked would be an underestimation.

"Hey does it look like 9 months pregnant?" She asked herself rather him, "Perhaps, It look like I'm having twins" saying so she pressed the cloth more above her abdomen and gave a triumph smile.

"Great!" she exclaimed satisfactly "Now it looks normal"

She lifted her gaze from the creation she create to see a dumb founded shivaay looking at her as if she had grown horns on her head.

"What?" She asked amused, "haven't seen a pregnant women,duh!"

Shivaay shook his head in negativity but soon become composed and said a yes "but" he replied, soon a small smile playing on his lips,"never in my wildest dream saw a fake pregnant girl"

"BTW what's your name" he asked all of a sudden as he didn't knew her name "Anika" she smiled and shook hand with him"Shivaay"he too smiled.

Annika chuckled, "now let's go"

"Okay now listen carefully" she whispered to him "Your my husband, I'm your wife"

Shivaay nodded and smirked like a Cheshire cat. He got to know what she really gonna do with them.

"Bhaiya!" Annika hissed in pain clutching her womb, "I need to rush towards the hospital"

The policeman who were busy talking ignored her saying that she should wait for a few minutes as the minister is going to come anytime soon and then she can go.

Annika started panicking more "Arre, my water broke and you are saying that I must wait?" She elbowed shivaay who was looking the other side seeing how far they come "Arre say something baby" she eyed him while he fumbled a little.

"Yes can't you see, my wife is having labor pain,please let us go"

"But--" the police tried to make them understand.

"Okay so you are saying we must wait but what about this baby?" She hissed in pain, "I think it will come out now only, Arre say something" She once again poked shivaay who panicked like a mad man asking them to let them go.

"Accha okay okay, you can go" the other policeman said.

"From where? By flying or what?" Annika chided "First of all until now there is no flying car who will come here to pick us up from back"

"Oh yes, hey brother I think we should let them go"

"But--" the policeman tried to interrupt but he was cut off.

"Hey see he is telling to let us go, go and help him to clear this traffic!" she pushed shivaay with the other man and helped him letting the car to go.

Annika stood there with the other man and thanked him "You know what?" she continued, "I think it will be a boy, but my husband think that it will be a girl, what you think what it will?"

The policeman heard the order saying the minister is going to come soon and said that it will be a boy. Annika tapped his shoulder playfully and smiled "I knew it!"

On the other side shivaay and the other policeman let the car go, "Hey man! where is your car?"

"I can't find it yet" shivaay replied seeing in front of him but soon he saw his car coming and screamed at the girl, more precisely his wife who was busy chatting with the policeman, "Hey! listen"

But she didn't listen "Hey!" shivaay asked the policeman who was beside him "Do you know what's her name?" but soon bite his tongue as he saw the man giving him a weird look, smiling sheepishly he said that he was just joking and once again cried out to the girl,trying hard to remember her name "Annika! listen, Yes! annika"

Annika looked up at him "the baby is coming" he tried to make her understand that his car was coming but Annika didn't listened, "Yes I know, that's the reason we are going to the hospital" she said irritately, smiling forcefully at him.

"Oh gosh! the baby is coming" he once again screamed, but soon annika's eyes widen in shock as the jacket dropped, shivaay saw this and made a run towards his car, while annika said a quick bye to her companion, grabbing the jacket she too made a run and sat inside shivaay car and they dashed off.

"Oh god!" Annika tried to calm herself "Btw, Thanks alot Shivaay"

"But I must say" Shivaay grinned at her "You were Awesome!"

"I know!" she smiled proudly "But you were no less,Anyways, Driver Ji please park the car nearby I had to go urjently" she peeked at her watch.

"I can drop you" shivaay offered but annika simply refused saying that now it's not the time and if destiny wants he can give her a ride the next time.


Well I think that is a common concept, but I've written it down much before, so thought to let you all know about it. And the inspiration for this shot had come to me by seeing a film So I hope you like it.


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