➺I Loved And I Loved And I Lost You

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Narration: 3rd Person.
Main Protagonists: Shivaay Singh Oberoi x Annika Shivvay Singh Oberoi.
Other Characters: Aditya Rathore x Meghna Rathore x Omkara Singh Oberoi.
Status: Highly Unedited.

Sitting in one of the executive restaurant of mumbai with his bussiness partner waiting for the client to come and sign the deal,Shivaay sat with his glass of renish wine,the ruby colour compared to that of his bleeding heart which was tore apart by a certain lady whom he had loved the most.A low growl escaped his mouth as he clucth on the crystalline glass,his eyes spitting fire but his heart screaming her name over and over again,but he had long before shut it down,doesn't he?Yes he did and he is bend upon to never let it open to some randon girl because,he knew the consiquences and he for the first time though to kill himself for doing this to himself.,letting her touch his soul through the great wall.

It's been three months but still he can't forget her.The grip tighten more as his heart scream"You Love her".he just wanted to scream out loud at this "No Damn it I don't love that lady"but he can't because he know how much he lie to others but he can't lie to himself.No he can't fool his own heart,Involentarily the grip loosened a bit and his shoulder dropped making a sigh escape his mouth.he lifted his eyes from his glass to see aditya,his bussiness partner looking at his phone,was he moved a little to the left he saw Meghna,Aditya's sister too doing the same thing,well he was glad that no one is disturbing him at this very moment.

He don't know how come he started to think of her all of a sudden "You always think about her shivaay don't lie" his heart reply.he had a sip of his wine and kept his head at the back closing his eyes to calm himself,taping his legs continuosly.How much he tried to hate her the love for her overpower him.How much times he says he hate that women but deep down his heart say the opposite.he don't know after all this,Omru still miss her still cry for her.Well not in front of him but when he is away but he also their brother he see everything when he is away,they think he cannot make out what they are doing but little did they know that he always listen to their talks.hiding from them.

Watever she did, they still love her.Like really?Don't they feel angry with her?Well he should question himself this.But everytime he dared to do this he failed miserably,because he know that what the answer will be.He really tried hard to not to love her but everywhere he go,every little thing made him think of her,remember her and the same thing happened now.Why can't you stop chanting her name? he asked his heart and always the answer come in return"I Love her and I know she can never do this"--- he wished that he could also believe this but his mind always overpower him letting him not to listen to his heart.

Every night when he sits at the pool side dipping his legs in the cold water to touch his burning soul,he tried to listen to his heart,yes he tried,he always tried,because being alone at night never let him sleep,her fragnence,her smile,her laughter seemed to linger around his room making it difficult for him to sleep.He missed her in his arms,still! Yeah,after all this,he still misses her,she was like a drug to him,being in her arms was the last thing he ever wanted before his death.He sometimes come into conclusion that may be maybe there is something which she was hiding from him,yes because whenever he tried to read her eyes she didn't met his,this is the act which always make him trouble thinking that he had done wrong,yes maybe he had done something terribly wrong not looking in to the matter,but alas,his mind never agreed to it.

"Oh damn it!"the shrill sound of aditya made him come out of his thoughts eyes being hazy it took him few seconds to steady his view and fight back the tears which were going to spill any moment "What happend adi?"Meghna asked on behalf of him"The dealer can't come today as he had some work and is now apologizing like a fool wasting our time"Aditya was in full rage while shivaay was not in a sense to say something right now,He don't know what to say,what had suddenly seeped into him? he wondered.He wanted to stay there for sometime. "let's go" aditya said and stood up when Meghna stopped him"Adi can't we wait for sometime?As I have heard the live music here is really good,let's listen to it and then go shall we?"she asjked softly and looked at shivaay asking him too for this"Okay I don't have any problem what say Shivaay?"Adi said making himself confortable on the chair once again"Yeah why not let's stay for sometime"he said having his liquor.

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