31.||Rain Drops||

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The Oberoi mansion which always have the hustle bustle sound every second was now eerily quite, only the sound of thunder was heard inside the walls of this priestly white mansion, no one in particular was free, not even Rudra Singh oberoi the great which was even hard to digest.

Annika gave out an exhaust breath as she rubbed her temples, rubbing her eyes she took a sip of her coffee as she laid her head at the back of the couch. Closing her eyes she rested for sometime when tickling sound of water hit her eardrum. Something trigger in her and she was full of energy all of a sudden.

Eyes sparkling with mischief she closed her files and laptop, jumping on her toe, she first moved towards the door and looked every where like a spy on a secret mission.

Moving near one of the pillar which was close to the stair for the first floor she peeked from behind it. Finding no one, the spy was out for his next move, that is moving upstairs without being noticed, and if by chance being caught behave as normal as you can.

With slow steady steps she reached the top of the stairs taking two steps each and gave a triumph smile at her victory.Looking at the long empty corridor she was elated, finally reaching her destination she patted her shoulder being proud of herself and looked at the view in front of her.

This is the place which gave her immense peace since shivaay went missing, when she would be here, she felt him near her as if he was just beside her holding her in his arms, it's not like she isn't sad, she is but she think that these raindrops took away her gloominess with her and freshen her.

Extending her palm in front of her she let the cold rain drops hit her warm olive skin. today was the most difficult as well happiest day for her, confused? well happiest because shivaay returned, difficult because being so close to her husband she seems to be mile apart from him.And this is all because of him.

he doesn't recognize her.
he forgot about all the moments they shared.
he refused to acknowledge her.
he tried to throw her out of the house.
he introduce some other girl as his wife.
he started ignoring her whenever she tried to confront.
he had that fear of being caught sparkling in his bluish orbs.
his suffocating mask starts to slip when ever he tried to steal a glance of her and the next moment it come's back with double force.

well the list goes on!

She sighed, the most defeated one ever as she felt the back of her eyes becoming moist, the energy draining out of her while filling her with nothing but dullness.

Above all this there was a small part of her who was happy, happy that shivaay is sound and safe. He is with them what matter if he isn't recognizing her? she is happy enough to see him in front of her eyes rather then being sad.

Opening her eyes, she realized that she was still there at the spot while the rain had started pouring more faster. Smiling to herself once again she started taking baby steps towards the center of the terrace, making the water to drench her whole heatedly as it soothed her burning heart which longed to be with him.

She still remember the day when they met on the middle of nowhere of a deserted road, the rain pouring just like this. She realized how these two situations are so alike. That day he was there to show that she failed and today too he showed her that she failed, failed to keep their love together just the difference is that day he was with her but today she was alone.Alone with her broken soul.

Moving towards the railing she let the tears to flow through her eyes, the pain she held in these fifteen days finally escaped her eyes as flood of unsaid emotions. Sliding down with the support of the railing she collected her legs near to her chest and buried her head in between it crying her heart out, letting the pure crystalline water to slide through out her body letting her cool down.

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