➺ INSANE Peoples

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Narration: 3rd Person.
Main Protagonists: Oberoi Family.
Status: Highly Unedited.

"Hey call everyone in the hall fast" Shuvaay ordered a servant and within 5 minutes all of them were sitting on the couch holding their head which was extremely paining, someone was sneezing while some were coughing. But everyone was glaring at rudra and saumya seemed like as if she will kill him and poor rudra he sat at the corner with his head bow down.


Rudra roamed around the house feeling bored as from the last few days nothing exciting happened in the mansion as everywhere he see,everyone is busy in their work. And he the poor soul was Free. Dadi had gone to Rishikesh for god's blessing while Shivaay had gone for a business trip from the last 1 week. Else everyone was here but the similarity was that they were all busy. Annika had a big function to organize while Gauri  was also helping her as they were partners in catering business. Om was busy between his sculptures and bussiness deal. Rudra was really amused to see him handling both the things at ease. Both saumya and prinku were studing for there upcoming exams,while according to him he doesn't have any work to do so he was the one who was struck with the disease called boredom making him feeling like a dead person.

"I want some entertainment" Rudra whispered while rubbing his hands and a wicked smile crept on his lips.


Everyone sat in the hall gushing with each other while looking at the large watch that adorned the execute wall of the mansion as they had to do their respective works but here they were waiting for Rudra who had asked the servants to bring them in the hall. Well when they reached in the hall and looked everyone there coming one by one they were surprised and started chatting with each other as in these few days they were not getting time for each other and felt happy that for some reason they were together but at the same time they need to go as they had all come leaving their works midway and all because of Rudra.

Everyone was there except Dadi Shivaay and Om.

"Where is this Rudra?" Janvi asked as she glanced at the clock and then at everyone who had the same question written on their face. After waiting for sometime they saw a servant coming with a large white slide and a projector while the other one was coming with a trolley and on a keen look it seems to have snacks and drinks on it. "Rakesh what is all this" Tej asked with a raised eyebrow as he saw him setting the screen in front of them "Sir Rudra sir had told me to do all this" everyone looked suspiciously at each other with an amused look and within a second there stood Rudra who was grinning ear to ear.

"Hello everyone well first of all thank you for coming over here on this short notice leaving your works. To be true I was feeling really bored and thought that why not today we all sit together and watch a movie what say guys?" Rudra said excitedly while all of them started giving negative approval to it saying they all had works and they just can't leave it and see movie like this. The one who was protesting the most against it was Tej and Saumya. Rudra was pissed off by this "Please guyss how much will you all work? Do you remember the time when we all sat like this together?I think you all don't know. Okay go do your work I thought to it will be fun but you all are busy" he made crybaby face "Because we are not like you,sitting ideally" Saumya chided while he pouted.

"Please just for me! For today" Rudra pleaded everyone with puppy eyes while who one had the guts to refuse him? and so everyone agreed to it. Rudra just squealed in response as everyone smiled.


Everyone sat on the sofa while their eyes were on the screen as they giggled and laughed seeing the movie and in between having snacks and drinks and in between all this Rudra was grinning like a Cheshire cat,enjoying the drink as he saw everyone enjoying his hand made fruit punch. In the concentration on the movie no one gave any attention to the different taste of the punch while they enjoyed it really much and were praising the one who had made this but little did they know that person who made it was Rudra.

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