46| In a Heartbeat

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There might be some Graphic Description of Violence and Panic Attacks, so be warned. And since, it's been a while I dropped something here - here is a super long shot, probably 10000+ words. So Enjoy! Happy Reading ❤️

P.S - The story setting is definitely from the Original Ishqbaaaz and it might be an AU, I haven't shown when or how this scene takes place, so it is completely up to your imagination when to take it (but definitely before the Daksh Fiasco)

I have tried my best to check all the typos, but if you find some, feel free to point out.


Annika shifted in her seat as she looked out the window desperately refraining herself to yawn out loud because damn she was way too much exhausted that if she weren't sitting beside the one and only Shivaay Singh Oberoi she would have long ago snoring on that damn clear looking glass of this extensively rich car she was certainly riding on.

Well, how did she got here? um, let's say yesterday was a hectic day - Which eventually is everyday - for her because Dadi wanted to organize a jagraata the very next day leaving Annika with the only option to stay over the night and work her shit off so that she couldn't upset that sweet ol' lady who always treated her like her own granddaughter. Technically she will be damned to make her upset because of this small issue - as awful and selfish it seems but it pretty was not at all a 'small' issue for her because hey who can organize a big fat religious gathering in just one freaking god-damn day? No One! But Annika can do anything, so eventually she was up all night at the mansion in her office downing god knows how many cups of tea to make this occasion a success.

When dawn came, she found herself nodding off at her desk and later on being shook off from her hardly three hour sleep by Priyanka who was etching a concern look over her face and asking her to freshen up in her room to come down for breakfast - which Annika kindly refused - but who can stop your best friend from fussing over you when you worked yourself up with hardly any sleep? No one. So after breakfast, she did the last minute checkup and once everything was under control she called it a day to go to her house and get some rest later to come back here altogether for the function.

And curse her 'Annika Luck' when she was going, Shivaay found that exact same time to step out of his study - Well he wasn't even present for the breakfast this morning - in an impeccable grey suit with a file of some sort tucked inside his left arm as he threw orders in his mobile which was tucked under his right ear as his both hands were occupied in getting the cuff link done. How can someone be so presentable as if they have come out freshly for a fashion show all the time? She actually stopped herself to roll her eyes at him.

Mr.Perfect, my foot! Maybe he might have this very important presentation to give this morning? Well, what does it got to be her business anyway? She hates him (Does she really hates him? Yes Yes, she does), He hates her So she turned to go as soon as possible to not get encountered by him just because she doesn't want to ruin her day when the thing she was threatening the most happened. Shivaay was asked to get her to her house since her house is on his way to the office making the said man being conscious of his surrounding.

Great Start of the Day!

What upset her, even more, was this time it wasn't Dadi else it was Pinky Aunty who was the only person she could connect to without any hesitation, well Priyanka and Dadi is an exception though. Annika tried to deny it but Pinky was a person who was someone who would make things go according to her will even if it causes discomfort to anyone beside Shivaay just once caught hold of her eyes and then with a casual shrug, breathed out a 'cool' even if he tried his best not to surface his frustration at the very best and stride right across from her like she didn't even exist.

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