47| Anxiety

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Heya, everyone! I'm back😂 (ironic) but I hope you'll appreciate this. High School is fucking terrible, and so it is. I'm sorry for making you all wait for so long. This isn't the continuation of the last part because damn, I'm stuck in between. I have only written About 3000 words for it and I'm stuck.

Anyways enough of my sob story. Here is a short shot about something we all have gone through at some point in our life once or on a daily basis (in a different scenario of course). Like the voice which we hear at the back of our heads can be a bit complicated at times (most of the time in my case) and it surely have that capability to make everything worse even though it shouldn't have been. So I hope it doesn't trigger something.

So here you Go. Happy Reading ❤️


Shivaay groaned as he turned in his sleep; his hands flying all the way towards the other side of the bed in order to get hold of his beautiful wife, when all it met was the cold surface of the mattress. It was cold like no one hasn't slept there for weeks and his eyes flew open in curiosity. He squinted his eyes in order to get familiar to the darkness in his room while the blue hue of the pool made the darkness a bit ethereal and calm. It's not like darkness isn't calm but sometimes darkness can be unnerving - when he woke up in cold sweat - and the blue shimmering hue just acts like a fussing air of warmness contrasting to the blue wallpapers of his room.

Since he was the eldest, he got the privilege to choose his room first and trust him for the first time ever, he wanted to be selfish, and so he choose the best of them - A room facing the pool - the sound of the rippling water giving a sense of sincerity to his mind when he was stressed. All of them envy him for having this room for himself (No heat though) and he just used to smirk and shrug it off. He was the eldest, he deserves it.

Shifting he sat up and his hands instantly went for the side lamp, switching it on, he blinked a few times just to get rid of the black spots in his vision and looked around the room. It was empty and silent. He doesn't know how he stayed in this room alone for god knows how many years because once she entered his life, this room became a part of her and when she wasn't there it seems a part of it was pulled out from his room making it seems distant and vulnerable.

She was the light to his troubled soul and he wished he could be the same for her but alas, it seems it will take some more time for being in that position. Sighing he stood up, slipping his warm feet into his slippers he started walking out of the room, not before getting hold of her shawl from the chair on which it was left unbothered.

It was the middle of January and he knew how harsh the winds could be at times and he also knows that she hadn't taken anything with her as she walked up to the small open terrace just above their room. It was a pretty small terrace/balcony thing. The projected area just above his poolside was constructed as a small balcony for the little ones to play since the main terrace was high and a bit dangerous. so in order to provide an open area, Janvi had proposed this Idea which was favoured by everyone.

His Parents; being the helicopter parents as they could be called, this was to be done. And as they grew up, that place was soon renovated with a shelf of books and a cosy couch with a coffee table - courtesy Priyanka who occupied the area all for her own.

Rudra was the hardest one to agree for this but eventually, he gave in. It's not like he was being a brat, it was just that they all have to spend a lot of their childhood there and seeing someone occupying your place and making changes to it felt terrible to him. Shaking his head at that thought, Shivaay took the stairs and skipped them two at a time as he made his way up to his wife.

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