Some Realisation, Insecurities, Fears and Confessions |Last Part|Redux|

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I never wanted to say something like this because I felt that It will make me appear a desperate freak, but please do share your thoughts, whatever, even if it's a criticism or other stuff because it really discourage me as a writer for not getting enough response even if they are voting for the Shots. I know I'm not that much social here but believe me this year schedule of mine is so shit that I thought of giving a break from writing but my heart always betray my mind *sigh* Even if I'm keeping every story of mine on hold, these shots are the only hope for me in continuing writing now. So I hope you all will encourage me enough.

Nonetheless, Happy Reading ❤️


Shivaay stumbling feet had already taken him to his room and the sight in front of him made his heart clench in his chest in the cruelest manner as there she laid on his bed, clutching onto the pillow which had successfully muffled her cries into a breathless gasp. He needs to talk to her, to make her understand that whatever she is thinking is ridiculous and stupid and unwanted and shit - Utter Shit!

Walking up to her, he sat beside her trembling form and swayed his palm over her jet black hair while she had mercilessly withdrawn his hands away from her as if his touch was disgusting her. He was hurt but he knew she was more than hurt to be mended at this time.

"Annika, Love" he whispered softly, once again trying to stroke her hair but again she just jerked his hand away, now screaming from inside the pillow to leave her alone and not to show his face to her ever again. She doesn't know but today was the last string of her patience and stubbornness. The thoughts which haunted her now and then, now seem to reside her mind permanently - he doesn't want her as his wife just because he doubts her to become just like her mother.

Annika, Maybe you are wrong, Maybe he might have some other reason.

Her heart suggested to her, but what could she do? She was forced to believe her mind because if he had some other reason, why not he bloody tell her about it? Why he is keeping that from her when he knew she was concerning to it as well. She knew today his behavior was because of something else, but from the past few days, the reason which he is hiding from her is freaking her out, she broke every second inside this house, where, even if they are married, they live like a stranger.

He doesn't know how she is going through all this, all this while, because if he would have known that every inch of her body ached for his care, for his love, he would never let her be alone because he wanted the same - last night was the prove, it was the freaking eye-opener for her as well for him. So why this hesitation? Why the hell is there still a barrier which shattered both of them destructively?

"Annika" his voice was hoarse, he was begging her to look at him and to stop crying, her sobs act as a sword which is piercing his heart continuously without any stop. Tears now effortlessly slide down his cheeks as he sobbed.

Her not talking to him is terribly devastating. He hated silence, he always had but the silence from her side is haunting. She needs to talk to him, to scream at him and tell him that he is being a jerk all this while with her. To let him know he had someone as his companion in his always silent world.

"Annika, y-you need to listen to me, what-whate-ever you are thinking is not true, I-I can never think of you being like that ever, please, just for me- for me - look up and speak to me pl-please" his voice broke in between his sobs as he sat there crying without even bothering what he was doing, or ponder over the thought that this was against his rule - to cry in front of anyone and to let anyone know about his vulnerability.

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