39. Disappointments and Beautiful Outcomes | Part 1 |

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Early morning Violent or more precisely shrill noise of utensils being banged against each other echoed through the walls of the pristine white Mansion. Taking a mouthful of her red apple, Gauri entered the already noisy kitchen and the moment her eyes laid on her sister she cursed her already running wheels of curiosity in her head because she wanted to know who was making this much noise which could take away anyone's ability for hearing.

Thanking the god that her eardrums were strong enough to get through the sound she turned on her heals to make a rush as she saw Annika in the kitchen doing the common stuffs or most prominently washing the dishes in the worst way possible that for a good second she felt bad for the utensils as they were ruthlessly scrubbed and banged on the countertops.

Refusing her insight to run away she thought to ask her elder sister what really happened that she is behaving like this, again turning around, she entered the kitchen, a jovial smile plastered on her lips as she asked "Didi, what happened?" She was sure Annika had saw her coming in but soon later the half eaten apple in her Palm met the place near her feat as she flinched because Annika had just slammed The crockery on the countertop angrily and glared up at her which was silently warning her to back off and run away as soon as possible.

Being frightened, she smiled falsely showing her teeth in turn and muttering some incoherent words in hurry she just dash out of the kitchen as if her life depend on it.

On her way towards the hall she bumped into Omkara who was talking to someone on the mobile, but the Terror on his wife face made him end the call and held her cheeks in concern as she tried to compose herself, "hey what happened Gauri?" Asked Omkara rubbing his thumb over her cheeks.

"Could you please tell me what's the date?" Asked a hyperventilating Gauri making Omkara look at her stump for a second.

"But what really happened?" Asked Omkara again in a hope to get his answer ignoring her question but she just moved a step away from him as he eyed her weirdly just because of her antics, "gosh! I'm such a fool, why I'm asking you when I too have a mobile in my hand" she shook her head at her stupidity and looked at her mobile screen to see the date, "it's 11th April, what it could be today though?" She whispered much to herself but Omkara heard it making him too wonder what it would be today?

Even if he wasn't as calculative and sharp as Shivaay but dates were something he never forget just the way he remembers all the names of the various types of colour he had been introduced until now. Eyes glistening in happiness and amusement at the same time, he held Gauri's shoulder and shook her saying that today is Annika's Birthday making Gauri jump in excitement but at that exact moment her whole joviality drained out of her face as she drifted into deep thoughts making Omkara more confuse as he was earlier by her previous acts.

Shaking her by her shoulder he looked at her straight, "Gauri I'm asking you again" he whispered calmly, word by word, "are you okay? You never got any fever early morning, Right?"

Gauri who had came out of her reverie, shook her head negatively, looking confused at her husband as why he was asking her something like this, "why would anything happen to me? I'm fine but - -" she drifted off as her face fall off suddenly.

"But what? Is anything bothering you? Tell me" his questions were immediate, as if ready to roll out of his tongue like silk.

"No nothing is bothering me but Something is definitely bothering Annika Di" she started with a low voice but at the end it was turned as if some detective was saying it and he knew from where did she got this trait because no one was better enough to talk like this other then The great - Rudra Singh Oberoi.

Well thought of the devil and the devil arrives were the words which entered Om's mind as from his peripheral vision he saw Rudra Trailing towards one of the cough In his west and boxers, a towel carelessly hanging around his shoulder giving him the conclusion that he had just returned from the gym after a hard session.

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