41. Enough Is Enough |Redux|

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Shivaay growled as he looked at the screen in front of his blazing deep blue eyes which was filled with utter disgust for the women who was shown on the screen sitting in one of the cafe's in Mumbai with her hands clasped tightly into a Man's hand which - to his utter disappointment - belonged to Omkara Singh Oberoi, his younger brother himself.

So that Lady is still playing dirty games with other men and now that he had taught her a lesson for not to interfere in anyone's life she is shamelessly trying her luck on his brother even if she is married to him, well he ain't gonna accept her as his wife but the truth is - he had married her and she was his mistress because she surely is.

That night after the marriage this is the first time he is seeing her. She looked just the way she was a week ago but something was amiss in her and he never bothered to look deep into her because he knew he will be feeling a pang in his heart for her if he'll let her enter his heart again with that innocent look which is pure crystal clear lie, but alas that Lady never cease to show how low she can stoop even now.

Well how will she be changed? Those girls can never change and he was an utter jerk to think that she was a caring and humble girl. He gave out a mirthless laugh whose each frequency spokes danger with each passing seconds as he saw tear drops pooling her eyes and making their way towards her cheeks as she sobbed softly while Omkara was fast enough to sprang from his chair and sit in front of her with his hands holding her cheeks and slightly rubbing off her tears as he told her something while she was shaking her head continuously, her whole body suddenly turning into a messy ball of threads as she trembled profusely at his each words.

Something erupted inside his heart and he just felt like going and push his brother away from her and hold her in his arms. But she had lost the right to get his concern, isn't she? But even after knowing that this is all false, he still feel bad seeing her like this. What was it? What is happening to him? Why he is having a soft corner for this women when she didn't even deserve even a spec of it? And why he is feeling jealous? From his own brother that he isn't there to hold her but he was there?

What the fuck is happening here? He threw the Mac on the floor as he saw them making their way out of the cafe with her in his arms while she continue to weep.

Moving out of his room, he made his way towards his brother's room with a determination that he will get to know where he was the whole day, yesterday. Eyes jet black he entered the room without being bothered to knock to see Omkara on the mobile talking to someone is hushed tones.

"Hey, Listen" Omkara whispered in concern, "I know about that, we talked yesterday, haven't we? But if you ain't going to tell me the truth how would I help you? You are blami---" He turned a bit and stopped in between.

"Shivaay?" Omkara whispered shock and stood there for sometime without uttering a word. Shivaay saw how he asked the person to take care and he'll come to meet soon, then hanging it up, stuffed his mobile inside his trousers pocket with a nervous look. The sweat forming over his forehead make him realise that he might be talking to her and is going to meet her again today. Cold blood runs in his veins as he gripped his hands into a tight ball trying hard not to explode at his brother and beat him black and blue.

He needs to find out where she is living. He need to and the best option is to follow Omkara and not ask him any questions which might make him suspicious of his action later on.

"Shivaay?" Omkara asked as he gained his composure praying to god that he didn't listen any of the stuffs he uttered on the mobile, "is there anything you want?"

Clearing his throat, Shivaay tried to calm himself down as he rubbed his hands together in a weird manner, "ah! No, I was just asking if you have talked to Priyanka's doctor? You were having an appointment with him right?" Shivaay asked with a raised eyebrow suddenly feeling a heavy weight over his heart making him breathless but he didn't fail to notice the feeling of not-being-caught wash over Omkara's face.

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