44. Sometimes It's Okay to Look at the Flip Side

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"Sahil? Has she came yet?" Kalyani asked, the worry in that old lady's voice can be recognised even to a deaf person, giving a exasperate sigh, she nodded to no one in particular and with a few words of consolation - enough for the little boy not to be distressed enough to take any drastic step - she ended the call and rubbed her palms over her wrinkled face for the up teenth time now and laid back over the couch for a few second of silence.

Whatever is happening is not right.

No she was her responsibility.

From the past one week the girl was acting weird, not exact weird but it seems she was upset for something. She tried to reason her but thought maybe she might be violating her personal space. But still, she should have at-least pushed her to the edge and asked her - that might have made her aware of the things which was going on around her. Maybe - a few minutes before on the phone she could have assure her brother that her sister was sound and safe somewhere, but nothing of it happened. Nothing. Her dearest Annika was missing. Since, from the time she left her house to come here in the mansion and it's already 11 pm and there was no sign of her.

Earlier she thought that she might have taken a leave even if it was unusual of her not calling and enlightening her of her absence but then - at exactly 9 o'clock - when she finally retired to her room after a hell lot of works since Annika was not there, she got the biggest shock of her life - Annika haven't reached home till now - from a little pissed off Sahil who was pouting thinking why his sister is taking so long in coming since she always set her foot inside the house before eight.

And from then on, different kinds of disastrous scene have greeted her conscience that she just want to lay low and sleep for sometime but that was next to impossible for now. She just can't sleep peacefully when she knew that there's this girl who is missing from the morning and whose mobile is dead and god knows how she is or where she is. Kalyani had calmed herself down for a bit as she could clearly hear her pulses thumbing in her ear thousands of beat per second and waited for sometime in a desperate yet hopeless hope that she might turn up to her house and then call and apologise and say that she is a devil that she kept her so worked up but she is now sound and safe and that she should also sleep.

And the Old Lady waited for the miracle since she believed in them even if most of her family member doesn't. It hardly matters now-a-days, Anyways.

Shivaay who have as usual reached home for the office straight away went to his grand mother's room just to remind her to take her medicines but stopped near the entrance of her room as he saw his grand mother's face ceased with worry, her always cool composure was tethered to something close to a panic attack which was all set to hit her but she was trying hard not to let it resurface.

"Dadi?!" Shivaay whispered - yelled as he walked in and then crouched beside her on the bed - a mix of worry and curiosity filled his blue eyes - as he held her soft hands in a firm grip, "what's the matter? You Okay?"

"Oh sweetheart, thank god! you are here, I just don't know what would happen to me if you weren't here" Kalyani exhaled a sigh of relief, the miracle was here, her grand son is the one who will definitely help her track down Annika at this wee hour of the night, "Annika --"

Shivaay just snorted - interrupting in between - thinking what had that little disastrous women did that led his grandmother to such a state that she was at the verge of letting her heart out the very instant if he haven't reached her at the right time, "That girl! she is a thunder storm of problems, I don't know why you always freak out for her? she isn't a child? Okay? You should stop fretting over her" Shivaay had it enough, he just couldn't put a finger over the matter that why she was hired as his wedding planner when there were more sensible people out there who were waiting for working with the Oberoi's.

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