38. Concern.

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Everyone stood from their seats, the occasionally silent conference room where an important meeting was taking place was now felt more like room of gaping idiot. Among all of them Mala was the one who was shocked to the power of infinity. Seeing her Boss tossing out of his chair, his usual calm and dangerous composure was no where seen accept Hyperventilating was the one word used for his expression, he felt like a messed up, worried man. In her five years of job where she was handling this sophisticated man's meeting and schedule she had never seen him leaving in the middle of the conference without uttering a word.

She looked blankly towards the door as it moved like two and fro from which Shivaay had just dashed off, uttering that the meeting as well the deal had been cancelled much to everyone's bewilderment. Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi had just crushed the five hundred million worth deal beneath his feet into the dirt and he wasn't even bothered.

The intercom beeped and Shivaay voice roared through it as he asked Mala to come to him soon at the ground level with his coat which stood untouched hanging on the back side of his chair - which was far enough to bring that feeble girl out of her stance. Apologising on behalf of her boss's unpredictable decision she almost ran to get to Shivaay. The moment she stepped out of the elevator she had seen her boss moving outside of the office while his guard, most probably Khanna was already ready with the car's door open.

Mala almost made a ran towards him and on getting beside him she handed him his coat and had asked almost inaudibly what can she do and Shivaay had whispered incoherently like taking care of the investors and asking them that the deal is cancel and other stuffs. Without uttering a word she just nodded desperately as she couldn't understand what was reason behind his out of the blue action.

Khanna drove as if he was In a race because Shivaay had given him strict orders to take him to home as soon as possible even if it cost them to break some of the traffic rules. Shivaay Singh Oberoi follow rules as per his wishes no one in this whole wide world had the capacity to stop him other then a certain women who had become the most important part of his life and for whom he had been mad all this while.

Clenching his jaw, he made up his mind in giving a good lecture to her because of her carelessness, but on the other hand he also know that his family was enough for her to get her daily dose of lecture and scolding. A small smile spread across his fair handsome face as he thought about the type of bond his wife share with his family but soon that smile was changed into a frown as he realised that he had asked her in the morning to rest a bit but does she listen to him ever? No she needs to do whatever she wants. Thanks to Rudra who had informed him about she had fainted and - - well until then he had already cut the call and was mad to go to home and see how's his wife because he hadn't listened everything his brother said. He just hope she hasn't hurt herself much and was fit and fine.

Khanna stopped the car in front of the entrance after getting impatient response from his over frustratedly sir and before he could get out and open the door for Shivay to come out, he was already out and was now striding towards the mansion like a maniac.

"Annika" Shivaay had whispered softly as he entered their room to see everyone present there expect the elder male Oberoi's who were abroad for a business trip. Gauri was sitting beside Annika who was making weird faces as Pinky fed her hot soup. Dadi was sitting in front of Her accompanied with Rudra who was holding her hand in a tight grip while Bhavya, Omkara as well Janvi had a frown adorning their calm faces.

Shivaay's little bit of worry flew out of the window as he chuckled a bit to see his wife trying hard not to meet the three person's eye and knew that they had just reached from their own work and Annika hadn't got any scolding from them. "Annika, I swear if you'll not finish this soon, I'm going to beat you up" pinky threatened, her voice holding that mixed feeling of warning and worry, "and trust me I'm ruthless at times, ask Rudra he used to get most of the beating from me, hard."

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