Ts-Love Burst, In and suddenly |Part II

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Shivaay entered the room to see it empty, he wondered where have been his wife when he heard the water running in the bathroom and realize that she was in there, he sat on the couch in the large balcony replying to his Emails waiting for her to come out.

Annika on the other hand had her shower and realized that she forgot to bought her night clothes and looked around to see something to wear when she noticed Shivaay's white kurta hanging on the hanger, she immediately took it and wore it but felt a little shy wearing it, she just took a deep inhale of his cologne which still lingered in his kurta and blushed heavily as the thought to held him closer wash over her mind. Seeing him in that shirt and denim had created a havoc in her mind, and she needed a cold shower ,she very well know that he was doing all this just to make her weak but being the wife of the great Tadibaaz she just kept her 2 Rs. Feeling at bay giving him back with equal tashan.

She just opened the door, peeking out to see no one is there to come out and change into her night clothes before shivaay could come but to her utter shock she saw him sitting in the balcony, she instantly closed the door behind in urgency"Oh bete ki" she gasped "Now how will I go outside? And I can't ask for my clothes else he will start lecturing me"she muttered to herself as a matter of fact and racked her brain to find a way to go out without making him realize.

Damn his ability to sense me is one of the worst thing

She thought being irritated and sigh.Now she had to wait here until he is gone. She looked around to see everything trying to distract herself and when her gaze caught the mirror she just hugged her body inhaling his scent with a lost look. His cologne always had the capacity to make her dizzy, but this feeling of being close to him was washing her with an overwhelming feeling,opening the tap she wash her face with cold water when she saw something and this made her scream without her content as she saw a cockroach near the small ventilator making shivaay stand up in alarm running towards the bathroom and banging on the door asking if she is okay.

Annika cursed under her breath for screaming like this and said that she was okay but to her shock the door opened and there stood shivaay in a worried look.

Annika why haven't you closed the damn door?

All of that was so sudden that annika didn't realize that she was in his kurta and shivaay being the over protective husband without seeing anything reached her and held her cheeks asking her if she is okay.

Annika didn't said a word and looked at him as if he had grown horn on his head , shivaay sensed this and asked her what happened but she was too flushed to say anything."what are you doing here shivaay? Is this the way to enter the bathroom?" She asked infuriated pushing him a little and moved a little backward.

Shivaay realized what he had done and took a look of her wife from head to toe who was in his kurta which was just coming up till her upper thighs.

She looked at this and flushed fidgeting with her finger "annika what's this?"he whispered while annika downcasted her gaze"actually..I forgot.."she started to take backward step as she saw him moving towards her"to bring..my night clothes..and--" she shuttered and stopped midway as she slipped due to the slippery floor , closed her eyes to feel the pain of the hard ground but nothing come else she was held by two protective arms and bumped into a hard chest while cold water started to pour on her.

Due to the sudden movements ,the shower opened making both of them drenched in water.

She opened her one eye to see bluish orbs with honey brown flakes staring back at her frightened one,she slowly opened her other one and stared back at him with the same intensity.She realized that he was still in his shirt and denim which is now wet sticking to his body like second skin while his cologne was making her feel an ache at the pit of her stomach,Shivaay on the other hand looked at his beautiful wife with wet hair and water dripping on her face,the drenched thin piece of cloth made possible for him to see the hidden sea blue treasure underneath it,making him burn with desire.

He removed his one hand from her waist and dragged it slowly upwards from her wrist till the hollow of her shoulder,making her shiver in response but she continue to stare at him,not at all battling an eyelids as the water pour on them.He pulled her closer making her hands hold his shoulder tightly in response,his hands now moved towards the few hair strands to clear his view and ever so softly tugged it behind her ear,she took a sharp intake of breath as he moved forward and rubbed his subtle against her cheeks,radiating heat.

He smiled as he effect her,and moved further down near her swan like neck taking a deep inhale,he nuzzle over there,her hold on his shoulder tighten as she titled her head,a little in bliss,as his lips come in contact with her skin,millions of firework seems to burst in that small tummy of her's and her breath quickened,this all things were so new for her,but at the same time it feels so good,so right and if he stops here then she will die at that very second because of need.

Unable to hold any longer he sucked on to the warm water droplets which were continuously descending down making a moan escape her throat ,making him more burn with need and on finding a specific vein of her fair skin he gave a bite there,she just hissed in pain as her body shivered at the intensity but involuntarily sighed as his tongue did some magic over there,he rubbed his tongue there trying to soothe her pain and once moved away to see his creation,he felt overwhelmed as he marked her his.

Moving his head towards her face,starting at her half closed drowning eyes,he was just lost in her ,hands tightly holding her by the waist pulling her closer to him,when his eyes caught a drop of water running from the tip of her nose and settled on her parted plump lips, an urge to taste it made him gulped down with need,she had seen his eyes clouded with desire turning into jet black as she saw his eyes moving from her eyes towards her lips and then back to her eyes.

involuntarily he started to lean towards her while annika's heartbeat increased,she don't know if she was ready for all this or not,feeling his hot breath franned her lips,she closed her eyes shut,wondering what to do,as her mind and heart were somewhere else. Shivaay looked at her and saw her closing her eyes in fear.

"I want some time shivaay,I mean,I'm still not ready for this"

Annika words ranged his mind and he stopped,he doesn't want to force himself on her,he respect her feeling and will wait for her until she is ready for this,his hold lessen on her waist making her wonder why he is taking so long,when she felt the warmth going away from her, opening her eyes she saw shivaay smiling at her but his eyes were telling something else,there was dissapointment clearly visible in them.She looked confused at this but his next words made her realize why he did this.

"I know you need time annika and I will never do anything without your content"making annika eyes filled with unshed tears.

"I'm Sorry"he said with a slow tone,trying to hide the dissapointment,but she knew him more than he himself.

As he moved a little, completely distancing himself from her,with an apologetic look Annika felt something going away from her,she just can't back off coming this close,no she needs him and she know he too need her,without thinking twice annika pulled him closer and smash her lips onto his making him shock.


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