24.||Wreched Faith||

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Shivaay sleep got disturbed by the voice of a lady huming a song which he didn't heard off, groaning he turned and opened his eyes but soon shut it down as he took the view in front of himself.Does she wanted him to die due to his need of having her? it's been more than a month since she was here but he just kept a distance from her, what she did he didn't forgot about it but he know he had forgiven her.

Maybe forgiving her was easy but forgetting what she did was still a harder fight for him.

Last night he had a mild fever, so he wake up this late to see her in a sky blue plain satin saree, the knot of her designer blouse left open while she was drying her hair looking in the mirror which had a good view from his bed.Why from all of the days she had to wear saree today and look this breath taking?He took a deep breath as the thought of kissing her senseless gripped his heart, not wanting his desire to took a toll over himself he just stayed like that for the next five minutes when her painful scream made him stood up and move towards her in an instant.

"Annika are you crazy or what?"he said worriedly sitting on his knees in front of her while annika was shocked, his colongue was making her lost her sanity, she only knew how much she had craved for him in these four months, yesterday she had fallen asleep beside him as she was taking care of him and thought to freshen up and go from here before he wakes up,but see what had happened?her yell had woken him up and being the protective husband, which he surely is,came running to her not understanding this proximity was making her weak.

Holding her bruised finger in his hand,he took the finger in his mouth and suck it to stop the flow of blood,making her stiffen in response, he had sensed the effect on her and looked up to see her staring back at him but immediately turned her gaze away from him and pulled out her finger out of his mouth,"I'm okay" she whispered and tried to stood up to go when he held her hand and made her sit down once again, she looked confusely at him but soon bite her lips to not let the whimper to escape her mouth as his cold hand come in contact with the warm skin of her bare waist.

His other hand moved towards her nape and then back to her ear she had closed her eyes as the feeling was making her feel giddy,he could see the natural blush on her cheeks running till the lenght of her ear, moving towards her face she could feel his hot breath franing her face and her hands instantly went to the side of her torso as he rubbed his subtle against her cheeks making her breath ereatic.

She gave out a moan when his hand slided her wet hair to one side and his other hand which were making circles on her waist started to move upwards,moving his palm over her delicated bare skin he took some moment to reach towards her open knot.Her grip tighten as he took both the end of her knot in his hand and slowly made a knot. it was as if shivaay was hugging her with his head over her shoulder,his hot breath falling over her naked neck making her lost in her own world,this proximty had effected both of them, the desire had started to burst out from every cell of their's.

He moved backwards,rubbing his subtle against her soft skin yet once again and looked at his enchanting lady love, who had her eyes closed,pink plump lips parted in anticipation as her chest fall up and down in a rhymetic manner, a smile crept to his lips as he saw the same desire in her half closed drowning eyes,his hand were now at the nape of her neck,holding her face in his palm gently, both of them were in the spell of their love, lost in each other eyes, holding her cheeks he leaned forward and captured her lips in a gentle kiss,her hands moved from his torso to his neck while the other went up to his hair,as she pulled him closer, reciprocating with the same intensity.What started as a soft gentle kiss was now turned into a passionate one.

When it felts like eternity,they broke apart due to the need of oxygen,he didn't stop there,hence he moved towards her swan like neck and started giving her trails of kisses from the lenght of her jaw till the nape of her neck,she just tilted her neck backward in bliss giving him more access,moving to her shoulder he nibble over there, while his hand now started moving down her waist making her tremble in response. Moving once again to face her,he captured their lips in yet another feverish kiss, and scooped her in his arms,still kissing he dropped her on the mattress,moving over her he broke the kiss and joined his forehead with her's as they tried to calm their raging breath, he looked up to see her looking at the ground with an embarressed look and reality dawned upon him, they had shared a kiss and gone way more ahead, feeling guilty for doing this,he stood up,not uttering a word he went to his washroom opening the shower and with out removing his clothes he let the cold water hit his body which was steaming with desire.

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