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Annika walked her way through the corridor, a tray of rose petals held up in her palm, she moved, muttering something to herself. Today was Jhanvi and Tej's 30th Anniversary and the responsibility to arrange a party for them came upon Annika's shoulder, being an event planner had it's own glory.

In hurry, she seemed to ignore hurried steps of someone coming towards her, within second the tray flung to the air and she to the ground but to her utter shock she was flung in between the air, as someone held her wrist in an instinct and the tray fell on the pristine white marble floor echoing a shrill voice making her come out of her shock state, rose petals falling over them, she held her breath as she was pushed upwards in jerk and clash to a hard chest.

She in reflex wounded her hand around the person, who was more precisely her handsome husband, head rested at the crook of his neck, she tried to calm her eratic breath."oh Shivaay, One day you will definately make me suffer a fracture or two"it was a whisper mixed with irritation.

Moving away from his bubble, she glared, but he was grinning like a cheshier cat"at least I got to hold you in my arms" he winked"Otherwise you never let me come closer to you"his voice was suddenly turned into a sad tone and annika mouth was turned into a big O.

"haww! how could you shivaay?"she said hitting him on his shoulder"I just hate you"

Shivaay just laugh out loud making her narrow her brows at him."You are a moron!"she said trying to come out of his hold but he was too strong for her, "aye, i was just joking, but i was not fully wrong, you are so busy in doing this preparation that you aren't giving me any attention"he complained.

"someone is really desperate to get my attention"she grinned as she remove a petal from his hair but soon her breath started to become irregular as she sensed his hand crawling sideways towards her top slit, and his face moving foward, she wriggle in his hold in an attempt to run from there but stopped as he rubbed his subtle against her olive skin, in that moment she just wanted to surrender herself to him but he had his own plans, he moved towards her lips,giving a peck at the side of her lips while she closed her eyes but with in seconds he was away from her bubble, staring at her with a smirk.

She had her eyes closed waiting desperately for him to make a move but nothing came to her way instead he left her, she pouted as she looked at him,"what was this shivaay?"she whined.
"Someone is really desperate to get my attention You see" now his 32 white teeth was visible making her frown, "No nothing such, I'm not a despo like you" fumbling to herself she turned on her heels and started to move,"Oh hello!"he whistle"You were going this way"

she stopped suddenly feeling like a stupid,"Oh yes! there's a lot of work"saying much to herself she again turned and moved from across him, totally ignoring when something strike her and she once again stopped.Turning around to face him, "Are you going anywhere?" she asked curiously seeing him dressed in one of his business suit,"actually I have an important meeting so I need to go"

"but today--"

"I know, I will be back till the evening" he assured her "okay! see you soon"she said , her eyes caught something but she let it go.

As she entered the store room to get something, her mind played again and she registered what she had seen, her eyes widen in shock and with that she was running behind shivaay, asking him to stop, when she realized he was moving towards the main gate.

"Shivaay"she screamed like if he took another step the earth beneath him will be slipped which indeed would happen if she'll not stop him.

shivaay who was talking on his mobile turned on his heels being amused followed by the other members to come running there, "what happened annika?"everyone asked her but she was constantly looking at shivaay, panting, her eyes literally going to come out off it's socket.

this time it was shivaay who came to her asking her if she's okay,"Shivaay actually"she started"No, come let's go to the room"saying so she started dragging him towards their room, "Oh so someone is really dying for me"he teased her but soon stopped as his phone rang,"Annika I have an important meeting try to understand I need to go"he said, and started to move,"No you need to come with me"

"Annika don't be a despo, like you said,and let me go'he said ignoring annika's eye gesture, who was continuously moving from his eyes towards his collar "Arre Annika, why are you stopping him, let him go"Dadi said smiling to herself,"yes dadi is right, i'm going"saying so he picked up the call and started talking.

Annika once again tried but to her dismay shivaay was so engrossed in his calls that he continue to walk towards the main gate, closing her eyes she took a deep breath and said those words which she tried hard not to say,but unfortunately her husband didn't left her with any other option.

"Shivaay, there is a lipstick mark on your collar"she said in one breath and put her palm on her mouth to stop herself, but what was done was done, the Bomb was dropped and there was silence for a moment until roars of laughter took place of it, she closed her eyes as she saw shivaay shooting her a deadly glare with an embaressed look and literally made a marathon towards their room.
Leaving her alone to be punished--in his words!


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