Ts-Love Burst, In and suddenly |Part IIIA

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If someone will see shivaay's face right now,the person will definitely say that he had been given a 4,000 volt shock,isn't it's obvious because of the stunt his wife had just pulled on or to be more precise is doing that and he being the fool wasn't responding,how could he? he had always seen the shy kitten in her whenever he neared her but now seeing the lioness,had really given a blown to his soul,It's not like he didn't like this else he was loving this side of his wife and was excited to see how she behaves once she's in bed.

Involuntarily,he smirk between the kiss,when he realized that she was going to back off,but he haven't yet started and she is ending this so soon,No he will not let her go so easily and with that he held her waist with both hands and turned to the left,pressing her in between the wall and himself,he heard a gasp escaped her mouth but he didn't gave any deeds to it and started kissing her hard,after a few seconds her hand moved towards his wet hair and pulled him more closer to herself, shivaay one hand moved from the back of her waist and started moving it sideways,in an attempt to find the slit.

she shivered as his hands made it's way to her skin making her weak on her knees but shivaay held her tight, his leg in between her thighs making her stand straight.his hand further more moved inside ,caressing her bare back,she felt like a puddle and thought the water to take her with it,the cold water seemed to become hot as it hit's their skin burning with desire. Being out of breath shivaay broke the kiss and touched his forehead with her's trying to calm his breath and his hand stopped inside for that moment.

Opening his eyes he saw her closed eyes as she breath heavily,cheeks flushed while lips swollen,"beautiful"a whisper escaped his mouth making her open her eyes and stare back at him,he moved forward and kissed her forehead letting his lips linger there for a few seconds.

"I think I should often wear such clothes,what say?"he winked at her making her blush even more and hiding her face in his chest,making him chuckle in response"It's nothing such,you still look like a joker"she said and giggled as she saw him pout but soon it was turned into a grin"Yeah that's the reason you did this right?"she know which type of thing he was talking about but she tried to act innocent,"What I did?"

"Huh! You really don't know?"

"Definitely No,Maybe"

"What if I show you that?"

"It will my pleasure"she said as she Involuntarily bite her lower lips.

He could see the naughtiness lingering in her cocoa brown orbs and still grinning like a cheshier cat,he captured her mouth once again and the time with more force,there mouth moved in sync as they pulled each other closer,not even letting the air pass through them.

She gasped as his hands which were still roaming inside her drenched kurta brushed at the side of her fleshy mould,giving him the opportunity to enter her small,warm mouth as he tasted her saliva which tastes bittersweet ,no it was bitter as her sharp words still linger there ,making him groan inside her mouth.

he was surprised that even in this state she was giving him back, dominating him making it more interesting for him to do,both of them fully engrossed in it and when being out of breath,annika tried to pull out,he didn't budge else he left her waist and held her hair, pulling her closer not giving her the chance to back off,he was not ready to end this,exploring every nook and crook of her mouth ,reminiscing each of the corner with his tongue he was still not satisfied,he wanted more,more of her.

after a few second she was literally out of breath,being tired,,her legs started to gave it's way,sensing this shivaay just moved both his hands downwards,passing through the thin piece of blue cloth reaching her inner tights making her more miserable but she just wrapped her legs around his torso as her womanhood thrust deep in him,creating a whole new level of desire to explode through him,he needs her and only her.

Pushing her hard on the walls as if trying to make her stable as she gave all her support on him,he broke the kiss and dipped his face at the crook of her neck making her moan in response arousing him more , he had thought to be a little civil with her but if she continue to say those words he will be forced to forget his sanity and do things to her which he too don't want to do to her.

moving his lips all over her neck sucking the water which tasted more intoxicated than liquor, marking her skin with his devilish teeth,as she pushed his face more into her.hands still holding her in place,he used his teeth to unbutton the kurta as she roamed her hand at his back.

Opening the buttons,he for a moment removed his one hand and as quick as possible slided it with his hands exposing her creamy shoulder and a little hint of her mould inside her brassiere. being not able to take the torture anymore and the need to taste his lips once again,she pulled his hair making him face her,he make an irked face as if his candy had been taken away from him but it soon vanished as she kissed him,nibbling onto each other lips they just tasted them softly,as if devouring it.

In that process she was able to remove his white shirt as he held her closer,making her flushed in his skin,breaking the kiss yet once again he just attacked on her shoulder as the sleeves slowly descend down her arms, giving open mouth kissed along both the collar bone he gentle pecked her visible cleavage making her moan even louder,her chest was moving in a high rhythmic manner and he could hear her pangs even in the shower.

The water moving downwards from her head and ending up inside her cloth.He could see the hardening of her peaks and realized she is as turned on as him making him a little restless,he wanted to taste them,but he thinks it is not the right place,looking at her breathless face,lips parted as she tried to calm her raging breath he took his hand away and closed the shower and once again took her in for a wild kiss.

letting the pressure on the wall loose,he carried her in his arms kissing her to his obvious towards the bed,water dripping from there body but the warmth of each other making them warm ,shivaay pushed her down on the soft mattress as he laid on top of her breaking the kiss,and looking at her,she just held his cheeks with her palm looking at his drowning eyes with her's and peck him.He smiled as he slided the hair strand at the back of her ear.

"you okay?"

She just nodded her head in response slightly as he rubbed his thumb at her swollen lips,"If you want we can stop here"he whispered with sincerity in his eyes,he still don't want to her to hurry if she is not ready,"I need this Shiv"she whispered breathlessly as she misses the pleasure he was giving her just a few minute ago,she know that she is ready now ,ready to take this relation to the next level.


Hello Lovies!

Back with the next part but not the last one I think [I know I'm freaking out but what can I do?] I really love to make you all suffer ;) *devil grin* but no really I thought it will become very lengthy so I just split it in two parts and the next part will be updated soon I promise! So until then enjoy this.

I have made this chapter private but got little response so thought to made it public once agian, so here it is.

the last part will be updated soon.


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