Disappointments and Beautiful Outcomes |Part 2|

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Annika's Dress ---

Rudra Looked at his watch for the upteenth time and gave a nervous smile towards Annika who was being suspicious of his behaviour, drumming her long slim fingers over the table, she leaned forward and narrowed her eyes spectacularly making Rudra a...

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Rudra Looked at his watch for the upteenth time and gave a nervous smile towards Annika who was being suspicious of his behaviour, drumming her long slim fingers over the table, she leaned forward and narrowed her eyes spectacularly making Rudra a nervous wreck, "what the hell has happened to you Rudra?" she asked clearly frustrated by his abnormal behaviour plus Gauri and Bhavya have taken more then two hours to get her ready for tonight even if she protested, god knows Why?

"Actually --" he fumbled, trying his best to stop his legs to tap against the floor continuously, "I'm feeling uncomfortable here. This close interior is making me suffocated, what say, we should go out in the over lawn and have our dinner?"

Annika sighed, nodding, "I have told you, haven't I? that no need to come here else we would have our dinner in the terrace of our Mansion itself"

"But. I can't take you there Bhabhi, It's your special day and I really wanted it to be special" rudra nervousness went into thin air as he tried to reason out his thoughts regarding his action, pouting slightly.

"Gosh! even if we had our dinner there, it would have been more then enough for me. understood?" Annika smiled affectionately at her adorable date, "You know I hate such display of wealth in the form of  lavish dinners and outings. Simple things are enough for me"

"I know. But this is not for display but is of true Affection. Maybe my way to show how much I adore you?" he said softly taking her hands and squeezing it. Annika nodded understandably. "And I rarely show such affections to anyone, so you need to feel special. Alright?" Annika gave a soft laugh while he winked.

"So, let's go out" Annika asked, "Shall we?"

"Yes" Rudra said and taking her hands gracefully into his, "And I hope tonight is going to be the best in your entire life"  he made his way towards the lawn outside with her.

Just when they were going to step into the lawn Rudra excused for going to the washroom and pointed out to Annika to walk there and see the surrounding till he comes back, Annika nodded and Rudra left from there.  In his way he messaged someone grinning and went towards the elevator to take him to the terrace as he had a lot of stuffs to take care of.

Annika walk down the steps to the lawn to see it deserted with not a single soul present there maybe she had came to the different zone?  Turning on her heels she took a step to go from there when something cold touched her skin. Her eyes glisten in awe as she realized that it had suddenly started snowing. But wait! Snowfall in Mumbai? How's that possible?

Lifting her head upwards she saw it, but how come this is happening, her eyes widen in shock and she felt the rush of dizziness hitting her senses when she realised that the snow was in ruby colour compared to the usual white one. Was she dreaming or was she death?  No she doesn't want to be death soon because she had a lot to see in future with Her husband But she had always heard that such things only happen in the heaven. She even realised that she had once let out her wish to Gauri that she really wanted to experience this ruby snowfall in her life before she dies. And Gauri had just laughed at her impossible wish while they never realised that they were having a spectator.

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