➺ His only Need

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The banging on the door made annika alert as she quickly left the work she was doing in the kitchen more precisely cleaning it as it was sunday and no work or no Bagad Billa was there while Sahil was out for his school trip. So this was the best opportunity for her to clean the house, both the room was done the only thing left for today was kitchen and then next week she will be doing the drawing room. It was almost dawn and she didn't realized how all day went away so fast "Maybe she doesn't met him and so her day went well" she thought with an irked face but the next moment it was changed into a dejected one.

She missed him.

"What? What did you just thought annika? You missed him? aarrgghhh !this thought only made her feel like vomiting. She just wanted to slap her self for letting this thought ran her mind. Annika I think you have gone mad and you need a good long break" She was thinking all this when the bang on the door was heard once again.

Oh God! Who the hell is banging this door like a mad person? as if it was going to break at anytime that too in this bad weather,it had started raining really terribly just an hour ago.

"Wait, I'm coming, don't break the door for heaven's sake"she called out exasperated with a frown adorning her forehead as she opened the door to give who wver the person is a good lecture. But her mouth remain opened while her eyes widen in shock as she took the scene in front of her or rather she saw The Great Shivaay Singh Oberoi in front of her door not at all in his usual self.He was drenched from head to toe, His hair was a mess with water droplets running down the lenght of his sharp feature, Eyes blood shot read and weary as if he wanted to cry but couldn't, lips pale while his eyes spokes fear.

Fear? For what?

He was only wearing his shirt which was half tugged in his trousers and the first two buttons were opened with the tie loosely hanging in there, he looked like a tired man, as if he had fight hard to not let someone go away from him. She first thought it to be a dream but seeing the seriousness of the situation she knew that this was all real. "Shivaay" she gasped as she composed her self. "What happened?" she asked as she made him come inside the house closing it behind them. Shivaay was still the same, not at all in his senses.

She didn't knew when he started to effect her this much, seeing him like this make her heart squeeze in her chest she don't know why? and she involuntarily took his pricky cheeks in her soft palm "What happened Shivaay?" she asked being worried, he looked up at her eyes which shows deep concern for him making his heart weld up with a different kind of emotion. And all the happening of the day came crashing down his mind in a fast forward movement making his eyes fill with unshed tears once again. She was confused as well as curious and worried to see tears in his eyes but what shocked her more was he took her in a tight hug dipping his face in her chest,he cried terribly.

All the fear , insecurities , the weariness came all at once being in her arms. He don't know how he ended up coming here to her house but it seems right. She was making him calm, he don't know why he was feeling this but he couldn't even let her go. Annika was wet too,She was in a mess now. She don't know what to do to make him calm, she was amused to see this side of his that too the most vulnerable side of his.

She always thought that the place in the chest where the heart is kept in all human beings, there's stood a rock in his case but it got replace to his actual heart when it comes to his family. So does anything happened to anyone of them because such reaction is expected only in this case. Being alert she stoked his wet hair messing the already messy hair"Shivaay is everyone alright in the family no?" she asked fear visible in her voice as she felt the grip getting more tighter at times hurting her but it seems nothing before him.

"Shivaay you are scaring the hell out of me, just say that everything is alright" she said as she tried to make him look at her but it seems he didn't want to let her go. Sighing she forcefully made him look at her as her breath hitched seeing the dullness in his enchanting blue orbs which always had the ability to make her lost in them. Face wet due to constant crying as more tears made it's way to his cheeks while lips quivering in response.

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