Part 2

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Shivaay fumbled, cursed himself for the slip of his tongue and continued in a rash tone"It was for the guy

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Shivaay fumbled, cursed himself for the slip of his tongue and continued in a rash tone"It was for the guy. you know, anyhow you are save that's all you should be glad for now"

"But how all this happen? how you found me and where?"

"I was a block away from where you two where, I realized that something was fishy going on over there so I went there to see and realized it was you"

"What happened to Samar? I don't remember anything"

"you don't?" he shrugged, "I asked him to go and he went away"


"Yes, besdies I don't like repeating my words, I just want them to be obliged once I speak" his pride was somthing she really wanted to crash down into dirt but she let it go "And yes inform me about that person who drugged you if you come to know about it soon"

"What is that with you?" I asked stupidfied, "I don't think it's any of your concern"

"Yes it is, you won't understand"

I stayed silent for a few minutes, my mind recollecting something, "What was the reson that you told Omkarathat he is ignoring me like  a deadly plague?"

"Wait, we are not going there again"

"No, I need an explaination, there must be a reason that you two brother are doing this to me, have I done something wrong?" she asked unable to hide the pleading in her voice.

"See let me clear all this" taking a step towards her he started with an ever icing tone, "don't ever come near omkara from now onwards, don't even breath in the same air as him, don't you come here ever from now onwards, beside,  if I'll see you even waving at him or uttering a Hi, I will not leave you, and it's my final warning, STAY. AWAY. FROM. HIM"

"Did you get it, Annika?" Shivaay asked a stilled annika who was trying hard to breath.

Annika as in cue, wanted to argue but left the thought that it can be dangerous at this very moment and just nodded like a zombie.

"Good, and now you will never cross our ways" Shivaay replied as he turned on his heels and started walking.

'Wait" she called out as he stopped, turned and gave her a curiously look, "yes?"

"You asked me to be away from your brother then why you saved me that day, I can't understand, I'm nothing to you right? but then why?"

Shivaay looked perplexed, his mouth in a perfect O, after a few second he closed his mouth and opened his mouth to say something but closed it again, "Do you think I will leave you like this?"

Annika just nodded confidently, while Shivaay laughed, she looked at him with a petrified look.

"Have I scared you?" he asked in between his laugh.

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