➺ Nigth at the Shore |AU|

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Narration: 1st Person
Main Characters: Shivaay Singh Oberoi x Annika.
Status: Highly Unedited.

Today was a very hectic day for me! I sigh and looked towards the endless sea infront of me,

yes, I was sitting here, in the juhu beach at midnight! as every single second after that day when I close my eyes and tried to sleep his face and those greenish blue orbs came in front of my face haunting me and I just can't sleep.

It just become a daily routine for me and I'm just fed up about it So,today instead of going to my house I ended up here I closed my eyes and take a deep breathe and continue to look at the sea as the water touched my feet, I felt rcalm.

I don't know but whenever I came here I felt that the sea took away all my worries with it and I feel relieved.

I love to stare at the moon sitting over here.

Today the moon was looking more beautiful than ever while shining with all it's glory and the water was just giving it an ethereal look. I just lost myself in it's beauty and didn't noticed that I was the only living sole in this desearted area because it was past midnight.

I don't know for how long I was sitting over there and staring at the moon when I suddenly hear some wierd sound like something was been thrown into the sea I turn my head towards the left and saw a man sitting over one of the rocks, just a few meters away from me throwing pebbles itno the sea.

I wasn't able to see his face properly as it was dark I can sense that he didn't noticed me and he was lost some where. I continued to look at him as I felt that I saw him somewhere but I just cant remember at that moment after some time when I didn't recognise him I just shook my head wid a frustaded look and again started to look at the sea and just get lost in it

I was just thinking about him,the man who was the reason behind my sleepless night when I heard a groan and the next moment a pebble came in my way and I got hurt at my elbow. It was the pebble thrown by the same guy I saw a few mins ago.

"aah" I cried in pain and started blowing air on my injured part as blood came oozing out of it from the corner of my eyes I can see that the guy now sensed that I was also there and the next moment he start taking small steps towards me.

I didn't move from my spot and continue to blow air on it. Now he was just behind me

"hey..are u ok???" he asked while keeping his hand on my shoulder. The moment his hand came in contact with my body a shiver ran down my spine and my breathing become faster "what is happening with me??" I thought when he again shook me as I didn't responded to him.

"hey..! r u ok??" he asked again and I just noded my head still not looking at him.

"I'm really sorry for hurting u as I was just lost and didn't saw u.." he continued while forwarding me his handkerchief. I turn my head towards him and the world seeems to stop for me the moment I saw him.

He had those same beautiful DAMN orbs which was the reason behind my messed up life and sleepless night. the same face which i saw everytime I close my eyes...!! I will never forget that day when I first saw him.


1 month ago

Today was my interview and I want everything to be perfect but to my bad luck it seems impossible!!

firstly, I woke up late and all credit goes to this stupid alarm clock who always make it's horrible sound in the worng time and not at the time when I needed it the most and the same thing happened to me now.

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