➺ Unsaid Wishes [Ft.Kalyani Oberoi]

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Narration: 3rd Person.
Main Protagonists: Kalyani Singh Oberoi.
Other Characters: Oberoi Family.
Status: Highly Unedited.

No one will be able to say that the family who are happily talking to each other before the camera's of the media are actually happy and love each other. there is a vast difference between what we see and what actually is the truth behind that so called smiley faces. Well Kalyani Devi sat at the couch and gave a defeated sigh seeing her so called happy family wrapping arms around each other showing their just for a few second love to the highly profiled bussiness guests.

She wished that this would have been the same when there was no one but only them but to her utter disbelief this wish had nothing to Do rather than staying at the deepest corner of her heart with a hope that everything will be alright soon,but it seems impossible.

Her only ray of hope was her grandchildrens who were just merely at their tender age and she wished that she would have saved them from the bitter truths of this world but she failed,she failed miserably and this thought always made her haunt that she wasn't able to save them and they had to see all of this.

She was glad that nothing of these things were able to broke their unity and they remain the same, dangling their hands together with each other running here and there smiling laughing. Because of them this family was still together,suppoting each other through the thick and thin And she was gald for this.

After a decade or two the hope was getting the ray of light. yes it was getting true or more precisely everything was normal,everyone was happy in front of the cameras and more behind it. She was beyond happy seeing her wish come true as we say the fruit of patience is always sweet and she can tell that this was true as she had experienced this.

Yes this wait had to cause alot of suffering but everything had an end and so the suffering when her elder grandson,her shivaay bought Annika in this house,yes he didn't bought her but because of him she came and by god gracious she become the part of this family. Her grandson never let her faith in him vanish, No he was the perfect grandson. She always wanted a takkar ki ladki for her Shivaay and god being the most kind to her accepted her plead. She will never be able to pay back that.

The day her eyes lay on annika for the first time she felt a connection with her, a different one though, and she knows that this girl had somwthing in her which makes her unique and she wished that she would become the daughter in law of her family.

Being the wedding planner everyone was admired by her charm, and because of her , the family which she had thought will never be one together started to come closer to each other and eventually it turned into a Happy family.

Everything was perfect,the perfect family Is what it was called. But something happened and everything scattered,in a way no one was capable to bringing it together because the person who held it together was not there.She left them,her own grandson throw her out of this mansion,Her shivaay on which she had immense faith had did something which was unexpected.For once she thought that he had taken th dicision way too fast and a dicision taken wehn a person is in rage always backfire him and she thought that this was not the right dicsion,breaking all the ties was not the right dicision.

Kalyani held the photo album which ahd the pictures of the post wedding rituals of gauri om and shivaay annika.Everyone looked so happy and contented,their eyes spokes love and warmth and for once she wished she could get all that back or live that moment again but it seems god wanted to take her test once again and so he did all this.

Between all this she was still glad that the bond of these brothers had never shifted an inch because of all this,but it had become more deeper than ever.Rudra and Om always tried to amke shivaay happy whenever they can but when they are away from him she could see them behave all gloomy and sad as if laoads of grief and pain had being put down on thema nd they ciouldn't handle theem,there will be always hurt in their eyes whenever they are with shivaay jbut the fake smile and laughter didn't let it show to them but she was also their dadi,she know what is running in their mind,they behve as if they are hiding something really horrible from them all.

A tear made here way down her cheeks,as she cresses shivaay's face,she felt pity because her grandson had turned into the Mr.Emotion Hidder once again,her ishqbaaz Billu was again turned into a heartless Shivaay Singh oberoi and ths time it was much more deeper then the previous one.The wall which stood in front of his heart was now much thicker as well as taller that people wouldn't dare to touch it.The only person who could break apart thsis wall was annika and only her,no one had the capability to do that,but the irony is that the person whom the heart belongs always says that he hate her but his eyes says the opposite-I still love her and will continue love her.How much he try his eyes always say this.

beside all this there was also one more thing which troubled her,well it was her two daughter in laws , they never leave a chance to quarrel with each other.The thing which shocked ehr more was Jhanvi was not the Jhanvi she remebered,she had changed alot since Annika left,Janvi never leaves a chance to taunt pinky at a slightest thing and pinky being the short tempered lady started to lashes out and soon in her banterring old wounds started to come out making the situation worst.jhanvi always had a burning anger as well as raw accusation in her orbs whenever she looked at Pinky.

The same thing was happening with her two sons,tej was from starting was an angry young man and he was till the same but something was different in his view as he see shakti,there is immense anger filled in his eys as he gave a glance at him and with a hint of disbilief and shakti behaved as if he was hiding a murder he did,like an accused left infront of the court.

Everything was at it's worst and she hope that everything will be alright. soon.

She heard some noises from outside her room and a small smile tug on her lips,she looked at her side table and saw the time 12:45pm the time when Omru as well as gauri made there way out of the mansion like thiefs and at times janvi will also accompany them and they went to some place.Well she doesn't know were they go but she never tried to disurb them and wished that one day she could follow them and bring that person to this house as soon as possible to whom the made a secret rendevous.


Hello Everyone back with a short shot regarding the leap on dadi's perspective.I hope you all liked it.Do tell me how was it.

With Love,

-Anya <3

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