26.||Pillar to his colapsing Wall||

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"One more"Shivaay slurred out slumbing the empty glass on the table near the number of such identical glasses, he didn't knew anything else other then alchohol at this very moment,as this is the only thing which will make him escape from the harsh reality of his life.

His bitter truth.

Which everyone knew about except him until today.Today! He will never in his wildest dream will forget about it.It is the day he lost his everything,his pride,his principles,his family,his everything.They say truth is bitter,but it can make a person lifeless,there wasn't anything such.Was there?or he just left it out?NO it wasn't there because Shivaay Singh Oberoi never misses anything.


But what about him? he is not an Oberoi,he is just shivaay--the illegimate child of Shakti Singh Oberoi.Maybe he could miss it out.

He laughed, the igony crystal clear in that mirthless sound,He don't know on whom he was laughing? On his fate or on himself?


he was laughing on both,he had become a Joke,his whole life had now become a joke.His own parents or so called parents hide this truth from him,and continue to nurture him as their's and on top of that,they made him believe in those priniples.Why?Why they had to do this to him.Okay it is acceptable they didn't told him the truth thinking that he will be broken,but why they had to make him believe in name,blood and lineage when he had neither of them?

They bloody know that truth can never be hidden for too long,Didn't they? so they also know that one day or the other this truth was going to come out.And if it does come out,then it would be difficult for him to accept it and it will be more difficult for him when he was made to believe that name blood and lineage was everything his whole life,and he being the proud arrogant Oberoi but more then that a fool had made it his reason to live, but when it will be said that all of those were not his what will he feel?Have they ever thought about it?

NO they didn't.

And he will never be able to forgive them ever.He will die at that very monment,he had literally died,what remain was the broken pieces of his lifeless heart and a body who only breath for the sake of the society.

The pain was so brutual.he felt breathless, he wasn't able to express his igony, anger, helplessness he wanted to scream out loud and cry but he wasn't able to.He never was trained to cry like that and so now it was becoming difficult for him,he for the first time had thought that maybe they would have let him cry in his childhood days and havn't stopped him saying that 'boys don't cry'.maybe he would have made an efffort in that but he didn't and now he is regretting.

"Sir I think you have had enough,and we arn't allowed to give a customer that much liquior,we are extremely sorry"he heard the waiter saying him as he look onto the pilled up glasses on the table,He opeend his mouth to say something like"who you are?You are telling me?The Shivaay Singh Oberoi to not to have this?i will shut down this place at this very moment"but he had lost the right to say that.Don't he?Yes he is not an Oberoi anymore,which state--he don't have the power to say anything to him as he don't have anything.

How much his family say that they still consider him as an Oberoi but the truth is truth,he is not an Oberoi anymore,it's like words written on the stones and no one can remove it and if anyone tries to it will break the rock but the lines will be remain on it.

"sir here is your drink"another waiter came in an instant and dragged the other one to a side,he could hear him saying that how could he refuse to him,Shivaay singh Oberoi like this and shivaay felt like puking,If this was sometimes back than he would have been proud for himself,thinking how much people are afraid of him just because he was an oberoi,but now at this very moment,he felt nothing except a burning sensation at the right side of his heart,it is like on fire,the fire of pain and ever this golden liquid can't do anything at this time.

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