➺ His Crazy WIFE

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Narration: 3rd Person.
Main Protagonists: Shivaay Singh Oberoi
Other Characters: Oberoi Family x Khanna.
Status: Highly Unedited.

It was a usual day in Oberoi Mansion and all the members were having their breakfast talking with each other when suddenly Rudra screamed OH MY MATA making everyone look at the direction where rudra's eyes were stuck and a no. of gasp escaped their mouth while Om literally chocked on his food as there stood Shivaay singh Oberoi in Jeans and shirt. Annika was the only one who was looking at him admirably while Shivaay was embarresed.

"Saumya please pinch me as I'm seeing bhaiya in this attire" rudra said and a highly shock saumya pinched him making his hiss in pain"Ahh.. not that strong also" he said "And this is true! Oh gosh! Bhaiya is really wearing this. Let me take a pic of it" he said amused and took out his phone to take some pic of him. Shivaay came forward and with an awkward smile wished everyone while all of them just nodded not able to make a sentence. He sat next to annika and Gauri as all of them continue to gawk at him. "Oh my mata shivaay what happens to you? have you got fever or what?" pinky came to his side and checked his forehead but it was normal "Yes mom I'm fine what will happen to me?" he asked irritately and with taht everyone started to question him about this.

"Enough Everyone Enough! Not a word more regarding this I swear I will not leave anyone of you" he screamed making everyone stop and act as if they were busy having their breakfast normally. "Ok I'm running late,I'm going to office" with that he stood up to go "You will go like this"everyone chorused except annika making him close his eyes in frustation "I said not a word regarding this didn't I? and what is the problem in going like this?is there any problem?" he aksed and without hearing anyone's answer he made his way outside the mansion. He stood their for sometime when he heard the sound of his family laughing like crazy and he knew that annika had told them about the deal.


Never in his wildest dreams Khanna had thought to see his well mentained boss,The great Shivaay Singh Oberoi in jeans and casual shirt because from the last 7 years of his duty he had seen him in three piece business suit and thought to see him like this in the coming future but today seeing the scene in front of him had shook his believe into ashes as there stood his Kanji Aakhon waale bagad bille boss,as mention by his boss wife in a simple White Shirt with Deep blue check paired with a denim jeans And white keds , hair which always mixed with jel like water and sugar was today in a messy condition. Oh how this can be happened?He must be dreaming?Right?Because this is impossible. His boss dress like this will only be possible if the sun will set in the east which is not gonna happen. So this is not at all true.

Wake up khanna you are on your duty and it's a bad habit sleeping at your working hours. He mentally said to himself and tried to wake up when he saw his boss calling him out. He shrugged it off because he thought that it was just a dream and turned his head when the sharp yet angry voice of his boss entered his eardrum and he was back to reality,shock to hell that this all things were true and he was not at all dreaming. Oh good lord his boss will not leave him as he was calling him and he being the foolish thought that it was just a dream and didn't went to him.

He walked to shivaay who was fuming in anger but when khanna got the view of his boss once again in his attire he shook his head to believe taht he was dreaming and blinked his eyes twice in an attempt that this all will be vanished but to his utter disbelief it didn't. "Khanna have you lost it?Why are you gawking at me as if I have done a crime?" shivaay asked irritately while khanna continue to stare at him with those looks.

Shivaay felt embaressed but didn't show it and now screamed his heart out making him flinch in response and bowing his head down. "I'm bloody talking to you? Can't you listen and I said you not to give me that stare dare you do that again" shivaay threatened him,pointing his finger at him while khanna just pouted"If you'll come like this then I had to give you these stare sir"he whispered making shivaay groan in frustation.

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