36.||In-securities|| Ft.Sahil

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Sahil sat by the window of his room in his boarding school as he wondered upon the night sky, the stars twinkling around the lonely moon giving it some most needed company. While he stood being gloomy and lonely. A days before his winter vacation have started and almost all his friends had went with their family to enjoy this holiday but no one came to take him, even his Sister who had last time promised him that she will be going to spend most of his holidays with him is nowhere to be seen. She neither tried to contact him nor did she come. Mere thoughts of her made him tear up and soon silent tears slide down his rosy cheeks effortlessly.

He missed his Annika Di terribly.

He was homesick.


Sahil woke up from his deep slumber because of the shrilling noise which strike his ear drums like bullets, he felt as if a hard rock had been kept on his eyelids when he tried to open his eyes, the sound become more clear each passing second and he realized that it was the honking of the cars, but hey! He was sleeping in his hostel room then how come he'd been in the car?

"Annika Di" he cried out as the blackness in front of his eyes for the first time haunt him, how ironic it is that earlier he used to encourage his sister not be afraid of darkness but now he himself is afraid of it just the difference she is not here with him unfortunately.

"Sahil are you okay?" someone caressed his cheeks while a soft yet worried manly voice was heard, he tried his best to open his eyes but still wasn't able to do it. He felt tired, he felt like sleeping. Finally giving up on trying he let the desperate sleep taking over his senses not before hearing the same manly voice who barked at someone to drive fast.


Sahil opened his eyes and closed it again due to the bright light that entered his pupils, flickering his eyes he tried to adjust to it, when fully awake, he looked at the different ceiling from that of his boarding school where he last time slept and then to his surrounding. the wall were painted sky blue while the wall in front of him had all the superheroes he ever know, looking at him for real, casting his gaze towards the left he saw a small window where a small wind charm hang in all it's glory, in time making a soft tinkling sound as the wind strike it. Looking outside the window he realized that it must be early morning as the sky was bright and clear while birds chirped in their melodious voice trying to wake up all the sleepy people's including him.

The room was different, he really can't understand where he was. Even in his state where he was slipping from his unconsciousness he never got the time to look around and admired this room.

Lifting up his mickey mouse duvet he saw himself into a new pair of night suit, shifting a little to the left he realize his whole body aching profusely. The one word which came from his mouth at the time of pain was the lady who was his everything. "Annika Didi" he cried out in pain and try to sat up straight when the sound of the washroom door being opened adverted his attention and he saw a manly figure coming out as the person wipe his mouth with a white towel.

"Sahil" the blue eyed man alert voice was heard and he was next to him the next minute helping him to sit up straight. "Are you alright" he asked, his voice worried as he touched his forehead with the back of his hand and held his cheeks.

"SSO" Sahil whispered, he was surprised to see him in this place, "What are you doing here? and which place is this?" a thousands of questions was building up in his mind.

Shivaay gave a defeated sigh, he don't know whether to say him anything or not. But after wondering upon the matter he thought that this was not the right time to tell him every damn thing which was happening in their life, he is still a small boy even though he always state that he is mature. "Leave all this Sahil and tell me how's you know? Do you feel cold or anything right now?" he tried to change the topic and to his relief it worked as Sahil complained that he was feeling weak.

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