Chapter 1

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Allison's pov

Some people become doctors, or travel, or have a real life goal. Mine? It's becoming a Luna yeah silly I know. Yellow stone pack is my father's pack. We are the fastest pack ever also the largest. We live in a town called Woodridge and everyone here is basically part of the pack or working for our pack. I have two brothers one is 18 years old his name is Parker and the other one is 3 and his nane is malakai but we call him kai since its easier than saying malakai and i love those dumb knuckle heads to death. Our pack is well known and has been since the 1890's my great great great grandfather founded this pack recruited his friends and became the fastest, strongest, and widespread pack in the whole U.S. we have never been defeated although we haven't had a war or fight in 3 centuries were still always ready and training. Keeps us alert and on our toes. Anyways enough about the pack moving on to family and friends.

My bestfriend is Lisa Holden her mom is Mari she's my mom's bestfriend and her husband jack is my dads bestfriend he's also my dad's beta. My mom and my dad are of course alpha and luna. I go to Woodridge High school and im a junior I'm also 17 years old. That's enough getting to know each other right? We will save the rest for later.

"Hey Allison" I heard

"Mari how are you how's john" I said John is currently in the hospital cause him and my dad decided to wrestle this morning and Jack broke a bone.

"Nothing a little wolf healing can't fix allison" she said and i smiled

"Good" I said

"Lisa is downstairs" mari said

"There's no school today though?" I said and her face dimmed.

"Is something wrong" I said and she stayed quiet.

"Mari is something is wrong I must know" I said

"Allison go down stairs" mari said without asking i ran down within a second.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I yelled

"Allison calm down please" mom said

"Tell me then" I said

"Allison your dad went looking for a threat in the near by border in the west wing after him and jack wrestled he got word from it at the hospital hasn't been seen since he left from there." Lisa said and i started to get angry.

"WHY HASN'T NO ONE TOLD ME" I yelled in my alpha voice.

"ALLISON!" mom yelled

"DON'T YOU DARE USE THAT VOICE CALM DOWN THIS INSTANT" mom yelled at me and my eyes went back to normal.

"I want 5 men going with me and looking for dad no ifs ands or buts about it mother" I said and i walked out of the house and jumped off the porch and shifted.

'Eric, Nick, Jason, Tom, Glen your with me now' i mind linked them and the came and we ran to the west wing and there was mess everywhere I shifted back to human behind a tree and put my clothes on. Number one rule always bring clothes. Since my brother Parker was gone I fill his spot a bit he's away at some camp thing for new alphas.

"Spread out and search every single inch for a trace of my father" I said and they nodded I went to the Lake and searched the area then a sudden scent hit me. It wasn't my father's and it wasn't a rogue. It smelled amazing like vanilla and roses. I went to look for it but then suddenly it was gone.

"ALLISON OVER HERE" tom yelled i ran over and i saw my dad he was hurt and bleeding.

"Dad!" I yelled all the guys looked at me they knew what was going to happen. So did i. He was going to die. I shifted and they put him on my back and Glen got on and held my father up with him and i ran back to the pack house.

I busted through the hospital doors in the pack house yes there's a hospital area. Glen got him off and helped him onto the tables and my mom looked at me.

"What happened" she said and tears fell down her face.

"I don't know. But I think it has to do something with my mate" I said and everyone looked at me.

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