Chapter 50

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Allison's pov

I fed the boys and changed their diapers and kai helped. Right now kai was playing with Liam and I was playing with Levi. They have grown alot. They look like chubby bundles of joy.

"Your a cutie who's a cutie your a cutie" I said and tickled Levi and he laughed and I looked at kai.

"He laughed!" Kai yelled and I chuckled

"You have an adorable laugh levi" I said and he smiled. I'm so in love with them. Kai feels more like my pup than my brother. We moved into the house already me and kai were in the nursery with the boys playing. Lucas walked in and smiled.

"Beautiful why don't you and kai go into town and get some groceries and stuff I'll watch the boys" Lucas said and I looked at kai.

"What do you say bud we need to get you some more clothes anyways" I said and smiled and he nodded. Kai didn't want his old clothes he didn't want any of the things he had because it would remind him of our parents. I don't blame him. All their stuff is going to get boxed and put away. I'm gonna go to the house after we light the pyres tomorrow to start packing everything.

Me and kai got in the car and drove to Wal-Mart.

"So how are you feeling bud" I said

"I miss them alot" kai said and I grabbed his hand.

"I do too" I said and smiled we got to Wal-Mart and we went inside.

We walked around got some groceries and I got him some toys and stuff that he wanted. Then we left back to the pack and dropped off the stuff because we were gonna go to the mall and we didn't want anything to go bad. So we got back in the car and went shopping.

I got him about 20 shirts, 18 pants, 23 pairs of sweatpants, 19 pairs of loose shirts to wear around the house, 20 pairs of shoes, some underwear that I let him pick cause I didn't know what he liked, got him some socks, then I got him stuff for winter, 10 jackets, 12 long sleeve shirts, 2 pairs of gloves, 3 beanie, then we went and got stuff for Levi and Liam even though we were stocked with stuff from the baby shower they needed stuff for the winter too. I got them some little mittens, some more socks, little jackets, some sweatpants that were adorable. Then we got them some beanies. After that we went to the food court and got ice cream and sat down for a bit.

"So how do you like everything" I said and smiled

"I love everything" he said and smiled

"He's such a cutie" I heard I looked to my side and I saw a women and she smelled like a human. I wanted to growl at her to get away but I couldn't.

"Thank you" i said and smiled

"Oh he's yours?" She said and I nodded

"Well he is really cute" she said and smiled then she walked away and I looked at kai.

"She's nice" he said and smiled

"Your just saying that cause she called you cute" I said and chuckled

"Because she's right" he said and we laughed.

"Come on let's go finish getting some stuff then we can head home okay" I said and he nodded.

We got up and he stopped.

"What's the matter" I said

"Nothing" he said and we kept walking and he pulled me to a store.

"Someone is following us ally" he said and I looked around.

"What do they look like" I said

"That's him" he said and pointed to the guy in the corner. I took off my necklace that Lucas gave me and I put it on kai.

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