Chapter 55

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Allison's pov

"She's here?!" Eve said

"Yes but here is the thing she took a girl first then she took a guy what if now it's a girl she's after" malia said

"Morgan?" Levi said and she nodded

"Well Morgan can't be touched I gave her a necklace that protects her" i said

"Really" malia said and i nodded

"Well alright then but here's the thing she never does things alone she will have back up she does things a certain way and if we are gonna go in we need to be prepared she's not on the land she's near the borders she needs a way in there will be a distraction she won't do that for a few days she needs to learn the patrols and their shifts and all that so it will take a few days during that time she's not gonna know how fast we are or how smart we are she doesn't know that we know" malia said

"If we are gonna do this then we are gonna do it right" i said and looked at Lucas. I zipped out of the house and went to kenakki and grabbed Elijah, Chris, and Damien. Then I ran back to silver creek.

"How did you do that?" Eve said

"Perks of being a dragon" i said

"You think that's cool she can rip out hearts without even looking she can even take off someone's head too" Levi said and they widened their eyes.

"Yeah I have a few tricks up my sleeve but these people they are family and can be help" i said

"I'm Chris this is Damien, and Elijah" Chris said

"I'm malia this is my mate mason then there is eve, Jordan, and jeremy" malia said

"Woah Morgan you have a mate there?" Chris said and she smiled and nodded

"Hey I do too" Liam said and Elijah laughed

"Yeah right kiddo" Damien said

"I'm his mate" eve said and smiled

"Holy shit congrats then liam" Chris said and smiled

"Well Levi is now the only one without a mate" Kai said and laughed and Cora hit his head.

"Wait if Kai and Cora are mates then how Cora is a vampire and Kai is a werewolf" malia said Kai stood up and got closer to her.

"Sniff me" he said she went in a little bit and sniffed him.

"Hybrid" malia said and he nodded

"When she marked me I turned" he said

"Well then" she said and he chuckled

"Then let's come up with a plan to get rid of this bitch then shall we" malia said and everyone smiled.

"Okay she doesn't know that we have a werewolf slash witch with us" i said

"This is the famous guy who is a werewolf and witch" malia said pointing to Damien.

"The one and only" he said

"I've heard some stories about you in anchorage actually wait I've heard stories about all of you" malia said

"Me?" Chris said

"You were killed and brought back to life with some other people Elijah your the cousin that lived in Nevada after Chris died you couldn't take it so you moved even met your mate but she was married and human." Malia said

"How did you know that?" Elijah said

"You have a mate and you didn't tell us" Chris said

"I told allison" Elijah said

"Ass" Damien said

"She was watching you she was watching all of us anyone that knew lacey she watched where is this lacey chick" malia said

"Bahamas with her mate" i said

"Well then this is gonna be a blood bath because someone is gonna die" malia said

"No one is dying" i said and she sighed

"The plan is for us to get stronger and I'm not even that strong" malia said

"Malia you went through the power transfer you are strong" mason said

"You did a power transfer?" Lucas said

"Yeah why?" Malia said

"That means there's other black wolves out there and they are hiding in plain sight" Kai said

"Oh my god" malia said

"What" i said

"black wolves aren't rare" malia said

"What" i said

"Black wolves aren't rare she just has them all" malia said

"That's why she gave eve and Marcus back she wanted them because she wanted to see if they were black wolves she gave eve to another family once she knew her wolf side was pushed down she didn't think there was a cure to it and she had the cure all along the black werewolf bite could've done it anyways she took Marcus and when he shifted she saw he wasn't a black wolf so she gave him back she's not out for revenge on lacey. Lacey just knew a lot of black werewolves she's not looking for your kids Allison" malia said

"Then who is she looking for" Liam said

"She's looking for me" malia said

Oh shiiiiit🙄


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