Chapter 10

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Allison's pov

"CHRIS!" I yelled and he chuckled

"Chris I-i thought you were human" I said

"I had to hide my scent from you i didn't want you to know I just I didn't want you to know because of the reason your in" he said and had a half smile

"What I thought I was the first one since my-" he cut me off

"Oh no I'm not a dragon I'm different I'm half wolf and half vampire I'm a hybrid Rick hated it I was rare but when your bitten by a vampire your supposed to die and if you dont die you become a hybrid this vampire tried to kill me when he bit me I thought I was dying I was in so much pain but I woke up and I was one of the few hybrids that ever existed bit when Rick found out he hated it so he killed me ripped my heart out" he said

"When I met you I was already a hybrid and I didn't want you in any danger I know my parents told you I was human but they knew they had to keep it secret so we did Rick went after my parents not a few mountain lions hell my parents would've killed them im surprised anyone believed it but everyone thought they were human so it was easy" he said and I nodded and I hugged him

"Its been 3 years you ass I miss you so much" I cried and he rubbed my back

"I know hey look at me we don't have time you need to get it together remember when we were 14 and you fought that girl and kicked her ass because she said Parker was ugly and annoying" he said and laughed and I nodded

"You don't let anyone mess with family especially if it's your mate you fight for then you kill them and do me a favor" he said and smiled

"What" I said

"Rip that assholes heart out" he said and I smiled

"I definitely will" I said he waved and it got dark.....

I woke up in this dark cell and I remembered what Martin and chris said. I need to get my strength so I reached out to my dragon. I heard someone coming and it interrupted me. I looked at the door and saw Rick smiling.

"Well look who is awake" he said and I kneelled down and looked at me in the eyes.

"I see much of Martin in you" he said

"Yeah I'm sure you do" I growled and he smiled he punched me in the face and I spit out blood.

"Ouch did that hurt?" He said and smiled he punched me in my gut and I groaned in pain.

"I think it's going to be real fun skinning Lucas's pelt and defanging him don't you think" he said I had he enough I reached out to my dragon and I guided it and tamed it I opened my eyes and looked at rick I felt my teeth sharpen all my teeth.. I felt my eyes glowing cause all I saw was red. I looked at the chains and smiled i ripped them out of the wall and I looked at the door and froze it shut. I looked at rick who looked scared he tried to push it away but he failed.

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