Chapter 12

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Allison's pov

We got to the pack house a few hours ago everyone is great here every one is nice and sweet. Everyone kept calling me Luna and i was happy because I finally got what I wanted. My mate and I get to be a Luna.

"Ready?" Lucas said and I nodded

We walked out of the house and he took me to the bolder.

"Allison" I heard and I looked around and Lucas looked at me

"What's wrong" Lucas said

"You didn't hear that" I said

"Allison you need to hurry" I heard

"Your telling me you can't hear the voices" I said

"What voices" he said

"Allison you need to hurry" they whispered I ran and followed the voices and Lucas was right behind me.

When we got to the bolder it was glowing red. It was like a bright light.

"Allison touch the bolder" they whispered I slowly walked to the bolder it was mesmerizing like it was just possessing me to touch it. I heard Lucas calling me not to touch it but I ignored him. I touched the bolder and I was pulled.

"Your telling me that you think you could be us! You can't Lucas and Evan will find out and when they do they will kill you!" A women said I looked closely at her and it was the women Chris showed me next to her was also the man he showed me and then I saw Lucas's parents or you know whoever they are.

"No they won't because me and kurk look just like you well close enough no one will notice" Lucas's fake mom said

"My son will rip that ugly tongue out of your throat and make you wish you were never born!" Lucas's real dad growled out

"Your very funny" the fake mom said she grabbed a sliver knife and slit Lucas's mom's throat and his dad screamed and cried.

I was pulled again. I saw another girl looked like Lucas's mom she was younger. My age I think.

"Dad I promise I'll keep Evan and Lucas safe" she said

"Alex I know you will I just want to make sure your their only sister and if kurk and willow decide to do something then I need you there for them Evan is only 4 and Lucas is 6" he said and I was pulled again.

"NO! MOM DAD PLEASE NO!" Alex yelled their throats were both slit and willow smiled Alex started to get angry and she went at willow? I'm assuming. Willow threw her down and smiled and grabbed her hair.

"Don't worry Alex your brothers will be okay with us" Kurk said and smiled and willow slit her throat.

I was pulled one last time and it got dark.

I opened my eyes and the bolder stopped glowing Lucas grabbed me and looked at me.

"Are you okay?!" He said and he wiped my tears I didn't even know I had.

"Lucas we need to go now" I said and he nodded and we ran back home and we got to our room and sat down.

"What was it Allison what happened what did you see" he asked and I looked at him.

"Do you know an alex" I said and he shook his head

"A kurk or a willow?" I said and he shook his head again I looked into his eyes and his eyes dilated.

"Do you remember anything from when you were 5 or 6?" I asked

"No. I have no memory of it" he said like a robot I looked away from him and I put my head in my hands.

"Did you just compel me?" Lucas said and I nodded

"Where is Evan" I said

"In his room downstairs" he said I jumped up and ran downstairs to his room I opened the door and I saw something I didn't wanna see.

"AAHHHHHH!" they screamed and I covered my eyes

"OH MY GOD MELANIE I FORGOT YOU WERE HERE!" I yelled I closed the doors and Lucas ran up to me

"I saw your brother and my bestfriend naked" I said and I gagged and faked throwed up he burst out laughing and I hit his arm.

"Not funny" I said Evan opened the door and looked at me.

"Its my second day knowing you and you saw me naked" Evan said and Lucas growled and I rolled my eyes.

"Look I need to talk to you two and you two only" I said

"Wait Allison you can show me what you saw the mate bond just show me" Lucas said

"How do I do that" I said

"Open your mind to me" he said he pulled me close to him and I closed my eyes and focused on what I saw. After it was done Lucas was furious. I held him down along with Evan and melanies help.

"Lucas look at me" I said and he looked at me and his eyes dilated

"Calm down" I said he stopped fighting us and we stood him up. We walked into Evans room and sat down.

"Evan do you remember anything from when you were 4" I said and he shook his head

"I was to young to" he said and I nodded

"Why what's going on" Evan said Lucas explained and it was our turn to hold him down. I had to compel him to stay in his seat too.

"Look this stays between us four melanie we can't tell Lisa or Leah I know they are out best friends but this is a different pack and a different situation" I said and she nodded and the boys agreed

"Tomorrow were going to be having the ceremony for me to become luna and if you boys do not get your shit together alot of fucking shit will go down so tomorrow we stay calm until we know what's going on." I said and they nodded.

We went upstairs and I took a shower and so did Lucas I changed into a big shirt and shorts and layed down next to Lucas.

"Are you alright" I said

"I find out my parents aren't my parents and they killed my real ones what do you think allison" he said and I looked away.

"I'm sorry" he said

"Its fine I would be angry too" I said and he pulled me to him and sighed.

"I had a sister i don't remember and my parents were killed and I didn't even notice" he said and I looked at him.

"You were a kid Lucas don't blame yourself okay your supposed to be the alpha not him but what I don't get is that your supposed to remember stuff from when you were six I wanna know how you didn't even notice" I said and he shrugged I thought about it. A whole pack wouldn't just fall for willow and kurk being the alpha and the Luna replacing mark and Amelia Lucas's parents. They had to have been brainwashed. But I don't know how someone could do that. Brainwash a whole pack into thinking willow and kurk are Amelia and mark. Then it hit me and I looked at Lucas.

"Lucas how could a whole pack of people forget the alpha and the luna" I said and he looked at me.

"You saw them they look alot like my parents" he said

"Yeah but someone was bound to notice unless willow and kurk took care of that problem" I said

"How though" he said

"Compulsion" I said

Oh snappppppppppp


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