Chapter 17

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Allison's pov

"Well I'll be damned" he said and he crossed his arms.

"Its important Elijah" I said and he moved out of the way and I walked in.

Your probably wondering 'who tf is elijah?' Well here's the short version. I met him when I was 14. I was at school when I saw him. He was leaning up against his car watching me. Me being the girl who always is fearless...sometimes. I went up to him and asked him what he wanted. He said that he was here for his cousin Chris. The only thing i could never figure out was i knew he was a wolf i just never said anything because i only smelled it sometimes so i just thought i was wrong. After that me Chris and Elijah would hang out me and Elijah got close but after Chris died he left. He only told me where he was. To my luck it was here in nevada.

"So what's the problem" he said

"I know your a wolf" i said

"How did you know" he said and crossed his arms.

"I talked to Chris and told me he was a hybrid but I know you didn't know that and I know you want to know who killed him and I want you to know that his killer is dead I ripped his heart out. I talked to Chris a few times found out his parents were our alpha and Luna at kenakki pack pretending to be my mates parents Amelia and mark Jones we found out that and now they are in cells rotting because they were apart of Chris and Jasmine's murder they had them killed. So we went on for two months with some peace and quiet then I had a dream" I said and he looked at me

"Well please sit coffee?" He said and I nodded he brought me some coffee and sat down.

"I had a dream that my bestfriend Lisa died was killed by rogues she went to talk to my parents and rogues attacked and she died protecting them I swear that dream was so real I thought it really happened. When I woke up I was confused I looked at the date and it was the same day then I called Lisa and she said she was heading to my parents house bearing muffins so I told her to go inside and lock the doors so I ran there and when I got there I told then what happened then three rogues show up I killed one but got the other two to confess names are Carson and Ken their mates were killed in front of them because they wouldn't agree to a job" I said

"What job" he said

"Killing about four people each from every pack in Alaska Carson told me his story him and his mate were walking through town to get stuff for the pack when a van pulled up and pulled them in before they could fight they got injected with wolfsbane a guy named William Davidson gave him every single pack name in Alaska with about three names some packs had four names he refused but when they killed his mate in front of him he broke and went rogue he had nothing else to do or care for his parents died a few years ago so he just let go and did what William wanted same thing happened with Ken" I said

"Wow that's wow who is he?" He said

"William?" I said and he nodded

"A human" I said

"What are the chances" he said and chuckled

"My mate got all the alphas and Lunas from every single pack there in Alaska told them what was going in and put the people on the list into hiding right now my mates best friend, his brother, his brothers mate who is my bestfriend, another bestfriend of mine and my parents are in hiding cause they were on that list and guess who else I saw on that list" I said and he looked at me

"Who" he said

"Long Perry pack your buddy Aaron Thomson I know him because I'm a Luna and he's the beta of the alpha at Long Perry" I said and his eyes widened.

"So. Are you gonna help me get this guy or not" I said here is another thing about Elijah he's very good at hacking and knows everything that's going on within a 100,000 mile radius and he's just that good. He could find anyone in that range within 2 minutes tops. The best I know.

"Oh hell yeah I'm gonna help but we need one more person" he said and I smiled

"Lacey I know. Girl can sure as hell fight and torture people" I said and he laughed

Lacey. Lacey Black is also a wolf an incredible one at that one of the oldest ones I know she's about as old as Ethan. She can torture the truth out of any human, wolf, vampire, hybrid, and witch. She knows their limits their weaknesses their soft spots everything not personally but physically were all different when I mean different I mean we all have our limits of pain limits of bleeding stuff like that. When she tortures you no matter how tough you are she gets it out of you. She's never failed. Not even once.

"How about you do that I need to get back before the people I'm here with freak out" I said and he nodded

"Wait who are these people" he said I told them who they were and he understood.

"Meet me at the hotel at noon with lacey" I said and he nodded

"Won't be hard she's not far from here" he said

"Good" I said

"There is something different about you" he said

"Oh right duh" I said

"You wanna see" I said and he nodded

"Is there a clearing anywhere around here where you run" I said and he nodded we got in his car and drove there.

We got out and I told him to stay at the car and I gave him my clothes. Yes he turned around Jesus. I shifted into the dragon and I bumped him with my nose.

When he turned around he was scared shitless. I put my head down and he pet me.

"Whoa so the legends are true" he said and I nodded I started shifting back and he set down my clothes and looked away. I out my clothes down and tapped his shoulder.

"So now you get lacey on the phone I think I'm gonna go for a run I'll be back in 30 minutes don't leave" I said and he nodded he started dialing in his phone and face the other way so I could take my clothes off agaiiiiin and shift into my wolf.

I shook out my fur and I let my wolf take more control and let her have her fun. We ran around in the woods and then went back. I went behind a tree where I out my clothes and shifted back and put them on. I walked to the car and he hung up the phone.

"She is on her way and excited to see you it's been what about 4 years" he said and I nodded Chris and lacey were close as well she was Elijahs friend lacey was like a big sister to me but she left when Elijah left.

He drove me back to the hotel I said goodbye and I went back to the room. I walked in and closed the door.

"OH MY GOD THERE YOU ARE!" jane yelled and hugged me so tight I thought I was gonna black out.

"Jane I c-cant breathe" I said and she let go and I chuckled. Everyone sat there with their arms crossed shooting glares. So I told them about Elijah and lacey and they understood.

"Still you know it's dangerous you could be been hurt dumb ass" Paul said and I hit the back of his head

"Just cause we are in nevada doesn't mean I stopped being your Luna" I said and chuckled

"Anyways we need to get sleep it's 6 am" precious said I went to change then I got to bed and layed next to Jane.

"Don't do that shit next time" she whispered

"Jane you know I'm a dragon right" I said and let out a small laugh

"Everything has a weakness silver and wolfsbane might not be one for a dragon but don't forget your still a wolf" she said and I nodded she gave me a little hug and we went to sleep tomorrow is gonna be a long day.

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