Chapter 43

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Allison's pov

Landon Donovan. I remember leaving that night it happened and I never saw him again. But I needed to I needed to say how sorry I was. I zipped around everywhere looking for him until I finally found him

"Allison." He said and I smiled

"Landon" I said

"Where have you been I haven't seen you in two years it's like you vanished through thin air" he said so we sat down and I told him every single thing. I trust him. I trusted him about as much as I trust Victor.

"Wow that's alot but congrats on the whole pregnancy it seems like your really happy" he said and smiled

"Cora?" I said

"That Saturday I took her kai was acting weird then I found out you were gone. Cora cheered him up they still see each other and stuff but for the past 6 months we haven't gone because Cora is off at a vampire training thing it helps her handle her cravings and helps her get ready for the pain she gets when she gets her fangs and stuff" he said and I nodded

"Well thats good I'm just it's so good to see you" I said and smiled

"I should've stayed there that night it would be different if I did" he said and looked down.

"I made mistakes and I buried them I hurt alot of people I killed alot of people but I mean I'm making up for it you made a mistake of leaving and look I'm back in fine im pregnant and I'm happy Landon I'm more than okay" I said and smiled

"If you didn't leave I wouldn't know alot of stuff that I do now" I said and he nodded

"Your right" he said and smiled

"Alright then here is my number when Cora gets it of training I would love to see her" I said and smiled

"Of course" he said and smiled

"Bye landon" I said

"Bye ally" he said after that I zipped home and got into bed.

After a bit Lucas came and smiled and layed next to me.

"Yes you love sick wolf" I said and smiled

"I want to talk to my boys" he said and chuckled I moved the stuff from my lap and layed down and he layed on my stomach.

"Alright boys how was y'alls day Good? That's good well mine was great I finished a few things I know you would love i mean I have four months to do this in pretty sure I can get it done in four months yeah? Yeah I got this so how are you doing in there huh? Mommy is gonna get an ultra sound tomorrow so we can see how big your getting gosh I just wish you were here already" Lucas said and smiled he rubbed my stomach for a little bit as I layed with his hair then we both went to sleep.

I woke up to the smell of all kinds of food. I ran down stairs and I saw alot. And I mean alllooooooot of food.

"We thought you might be starving to death again so we did this" Evan said and smiled

"Where is lucas" I said

"Alpha work" Mel said and smiled and I nodded I started eating and surprisingly I didn't eat as much as I did yesterday I still ate alot more than usual but it's because I have two pups in my stomach.

"Do you think he will be back in time for the ultra sound" I said and they nodded

"Well I'm gonna go get dressed then" I said and I went upstairs and got dressed as I looked down at my shirt I saw Lucas's necklace. I thought of how one of my boys would pass it down to their mate or if I had a daughter I would give it to her. I smiled at the thought and I finished getting ready.

I went downstairs and saw Lucas and he looked at me and smiled.

"Ready" he said and I nodded he grabbed my hand and we went to the pack hospital.

When we got there we got our room and waited for the doctor to come in.

"How are you feeling beautiful" he said and I smiled

"Really good" I said and smiled

"I talked to Landon yesterday" I said and he looked down.

"Everytime I see him it reminds me of that night and I just got so jealous I was jealous because of what I did I thought you would do it to me and I didn't know what to think so I just I don't know" he said and I grabbed his hand

"I forgave you lucas" I said

"I know but that will be stuck with me forever" he said and he looked at me

"Lucas you can't blame yourself forever" I said and he kissed my crown.

"I know" he said the doctor walked in and smiled.

"Alpha luna" she said and smiled

"Please call me Allison" I said and she nodded

"Please lift up your shirt" she said so I did I lifted it up as she got a tube of something.

"This is the gel it's cold at first so just a warning" she said and I nodded she poured the gel on my stomach and it really didn't bother me since you know the ice in me. She grabbed a little thing with a wire connected to it and put it on my stomach and she moved it around.

"There is your babies" she said and smiled we turned to the screen and I smiled. They looked like peanuts. I heard a sniffle and I turned to see Lucas crying and I smiled and wiped his tears.

"Those are my boys" Lucas said and she nodded

"Yes would you like to hear the heart beats" she said and I nodded. A few seconds later two heart beats filled the room.

"They are strong beats they are healthy and I can tell you right now they are going to be very strong" she said and I smiled

"Thank you" i said

"No problem I'll give you guys a moment" she said and she walked out.

"That's them those peanuts are our pups" Lucas said and I chuckled

"Yeah they are" I said and smiled

After a few minutes the lady came back in and wiped the gel off me and printed the sonograms. We left the hospital and went home and layed down.

I started freezing like I was really really cold. It shouldn't bother me.

"Lucas somethin-" I was cut off by a sneeze and when I sneezed I froze the dresser.

"Something is wrong" I said

"I'll get martin" he said and I nodded

After a while he came in and looked at the dresser.

"Well jeez what did the dresser do to you" he said and I glared at him.

"I sneezed and fro-" I was cut off by another sneeze and I froze the lamp.

"Dammit" I said

"Its just side effects your gonna have some over the four months your pregnant so be careful" he said and I nodded

"I'll be downstairs don't burn or free-" I cut him off by sneezing and when I sneezed I sneezed at him.

"LUCAS" i yelled and he ran in

"Wha- Oh my moon goddess" he said I got up and put my hands on him and I unfroze him.

"I'm sorry" I said

"Girl don't be freezing anyone else" he said and chuckled

"Got it" I said then it started getting hot.

"Oh no no no no move!" I said and I zipped downstairs and outside and sneezed fire.

"Well that's new" I heard and I saw Damien and Rylynn.

"Hey guys" i said and smiled

"Come on I can make you something to calm the symptoms" Damien said and i nodded.

We went inside and he did his witch woo woo and made me a drink. The drink did not taste like heaven. It tasted disgusting but it worked. I wasn't sneezing fire or freezing anything so I was grateful. I wonder what else is gonna happen during these four months.

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