Chapter 29

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Allison's pov

I woke up with a major headache. The sun killed my eyes. I felt so groggy and I felt like my head was gonna explode.

"Well good morning party girl" I heard and I turned and saw Chris with a tray of food.

"Where is lucas" I said

"Out training with everyone getting back to normal you know" he said and I nodded he set the tray down and I started to eat then i took some advil.

"So tell me how bad did I get last night" I said and looked at him. I didn't really remember anything after I started doing shots it's all black.

"Well you killed at taking shots and beer pong" he said and showed me videos of me doing body shots off of Lucas then doing shot after shot then playing beer pong. Me basically screaming and yelling and falling over a few times.

"Oh my moon goddess" I said and he laughed

"How do you feel" he said

"Like I need a shower" I said and he nodded I got up and took a quick shower and put some shorts and a shirt on.

"How about we do something" he said and smiled

"I'm backed up on Luna duties" I said and he frowned

"Get Mel to do it" he said

"She's been doing most of it" I said and crossed my arms.

"Fine let's go do that then can we do something fun" he said

"If we can finish a little but more than half then yes" I said and he jumped up excited and I chuckled.

We got to the pack house and started doing the work. He freaked out because I had stacks of paper work. When I meant backed up I meant really really really backed up.

"The school needs more supplies like new pencils, crayons, markers, stuff like that" Chris said we have a pack school for all the people who don't want there pups mixed with humans we have a school here.

"That can be what we do today" I said and smiled and he nodded

"I'm up for it" he said and I nodded

"Oh we can also go out and get some more clothes to bury in the trees there's less clothes out there so we need to get large white shirts and sweat pants" he said and I nodded

"Alright we will make a list" I said and I grabbed a paper and wrote down the things we needed.

"Anything else?" I said and looked at him

"Um hmmm on the way through the work we will write it down" he said and I nodded

After 3 hours we finished a little more then half and we had a list full of stuff we needed. I got the keys to one of the pack cars and linked Lucas to tell him I'm gonna be out getting stuff for the pack.

"So where to first" Chris said

"The hospital I need to get the supplies and medicine from there first then we can hit the stores" I said and he nodded I turned on the car and we drove off.

We got to the hospital and we got off and walked inside and went to the front desk.

"Kenakki" I said and she nodded

"Follow me" she said and we followed her to a room and she gave us boxes and bags and some guys helped us take it to the car. We got everything in and headed back to the pack.

"I didn't think it would be alot so we need a bigger car can you zip everything over to the pack hospital while I get the keys for a van?" I said and he nodded I ran to the pack house and put the other keys back and grabbed the keys for a van. I ran back downstairs and by then Chris was done taking everything and we got in the van and drove to Wal-Mart.

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