Chapter 23

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Allison's pov

"He was a disappointment" willow said I was angry. I was furious.

"Hey willow wanna see what a cold heart really looks like" I said and smiled i went to kurk and pushed my hand through his chest and she screamed I pulled it out and I looked at her and I froze the heart.

"Why are you screaming after all you should be used to it you did it to your own son and watched" I said and I set the heart in front of her.

"I lost my best friend my brother and you didn't care you just did it cause he was a disappointment so what I did I did it because you both are disappointments to this world" I said and I walked out and the guard gave me a wet towel and he locked the door.

I was honestly angry. I just wanted my bestfriend back. I ran all the way to the bolder and when I got there I sat down and looked at it. I didn't know if I should or not. But after a few minutes I got up and I touched it and I was pulled.

'You know it's dangerous to be here right' I heard I turned around and smiled and I hugged him.

"I spent the last 45 minutes with your parents and killed your dad do you think i care" I said and he laughed

"Guess not" he said and smiled

"How are you" he said and I looked at him

"I'm fine" I said and he crossed his arms

"You spent a week lashing out and going crazy and killed nine people come back home almost die from depression kill my dad and your telling me your fine" he said and I looked down

"All the families the people I killed Chris they were innocent" I said

"Hey sometimes we kill innocent people it's in our nature for damn sakes we are wolves and we get blood on our hands even if we don't want it" he said and I looked at him.

"I just why is so much bad shit happening" I said and he hugged me.

"Bad shit is gonna happen ally but if I know anyone that can get through some tough shit it's you and I don't have one doubt about it" he said and I smiled and I hugged him.

"Bye ally I love you" he said

"I love you-" I was cut off by being pulled

"God dammit that boy hogs you" I saw Martin and Tamara and I smiled

"Come here girl" Martin said and he hugged me

"I swear if I was down there I would've done what lacey did but worse" Martin said and I chuckled

"That boy has some nerve" Tamara said and I sighed

"Chris is right if anyone can get through some tough ass shit it's you allison" Martin said and I smiled

"God dammit your gonna have to go soon one more person wants to talk to you bye we love you ally" Martin said and I was pulled

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