Chapter 32

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Allison's pov

After the shower I put on a pink womper and a pink flower cardigan. I grabbed my usual jewelry and put it on then, I put my hair in a pony tail and I did light make up. I grabbed some wedges and slipped them on and went downstairs.

"Ready" I said and they smiled and we got a pack car and drove to town.

"So what are we doing" i said

"Gonna have fun duh" Mack said and smiled

We stopped at the mall and I looked at the boys.

"Shopping" I said

"Your forgetting we are gay" Ethan said and I chuckled and we got out and walked around the mall.

"Hey me and Ethan are gonna grab some drinks for us real quick be right back" Mack said and I nodded I walked into a store and looked around.

"Haven't seen your face around here" I heard I turned around and saw this guy he had blonde hair and ocean blue eyes and was really built.

"I'm Andrew" he said and held out his hand

"Ally" I said and shook his hand and he nodded

"Work here?" I said and he nodded

"Yup I um started working a few weeks ago" he said and I nodded

"Nice" i said it was awkward I didn't really know this guy but I mean he worked here.

"So I haven't seen you around are you new to town" he said

"Nope lived here my whole life" I said

"Really so have i and I've never seen you" he said

"Oh um I don't really come to the mall or anything" I said and he nodded

"Ally?" I heard and I turned and saw Mack

"Coming" I said and looked at Andrew

"Got to go see you around" I said and he nodded and I walked to them and they looked at me.

"What" i said

"Who's the guy who looks like a delicious meal" Mack said and Ethan glared at him.

"I'll make that a literal statement" Ethan said and I chuckled

"He's some guy he came up to me and we talked he works there" I said and they nodded we walked around the mall a little more then the scent hit me.

"You smell it" I said and they nodded and my eyes flickered and I felt myself starting to get angry.

"No not here ally control it" Ethan said and I breathed and looked at them.

"I'm fine" I said and smiled i started listening to every conversation in the mall when I heard his voice. It was Andrew.

"Hey man what's your problem!?" He said and I growled I took off my wedges and ran towards the smell and it led me to three rogues who had Andrew in their arms and they smiled.

"Well well well Allison quinn" one said and I growled

"Let him go he's a human" I said

"Human? Aren't we all human" Andrew said and they grew their fangs and I growled and let my wolf come closer.

"You shouldn't mess with a girl if you don't know what your dealing with" I said and they threw Andrew to the side and came at me I grabbed one and threw him to the wall. Then one hit me in my ribs when I was distracted and I stumbled back a few steps and I growled. I grabbed him by the hair and bit into his throat and ripped it out with my teeth and spit it out.

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