Chapter 11

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Allison's pov

"What's up big bro" I said and he crossed his arms

"He was there at your birthday party he was the one that threw it" Parker said

"I'm sorry I really was Parker I swear I was" I said and he hugged me

"I'm glad my baby sister found her mate and hell she's gonna be a damn luna" he said and I smiled

"I couldn't be more proud, plus dad probably scared him anyways" he said and I nodded

"Stared straight into his soul" I said and he laughed and I joined him.

"Um i wanna tell you something that I haven't even told mom and dad" he said and I nodded

"I found my mate" he said and smiled

"No way! Really" i said and jumped up and down

"Who is it!" I said

"I kinda found her last year but she didn't know until she turned 17 and we kind of freaked out because everyone would freak out hell even mav would he would k-" I cut him off

"Why would mav get mad he doesn't care who your-" I stopped and looked at him

"No way" I said and he nodded

"LE-" I started to yell but he covered my mouth

"Like I said your the only one that knows" he said

"Its been a year! Mom doenst know neither does dad that's not something you keep parker!" I whispered/yelled

"You come out with it before I leave you hear me or I will everyone deserves to know" I said and walked away then I stopped and looked at him

"My best fucking friend really" I said and he looked at me

"Hey be mad at the moon goddess not me" he said and I shook my head and laughed i went back to the waiting room and I saw Leah with mav and I walked up to them.

"Leah we need to talk" I said

"Can it wait I um I'm talking to mav" she said and I looked it her

'I could wait but it's about your mate who is my damn brother!' I yelled through the link and she looked at me and his up and we walked outside

"How did you know about that" she said

"Oh please now it all makes sense why he went to that camp it was easier to hide it when he was hours away" I said

"Do you think I wanted him as a mate" she said and crossed her arms

"Leah I don't care about y'all being mates I care about you not telling me lisa or Mel or fucking hell everyone Leah but me lisa and Mel are your best friends and we tell each other everything wouldn't you be mad if I never told you about Lucas and I waited a whole year to tell you" i said and she looked down

"Leah your gonna be a damn Luna and if you keep this secret everyone is gonna think that their Luna keeps secrets you need to tell them" i said and she sighed

"I can't Allison I'm not you i don't know how to be a Luna I'm your beta I'm supposed to go with you to kenakki pack" she said

"Leah your gonna be a great damn Luna don't you dare doubt yourselfyour an amazing person your gonna be okay I know it" I said and smiled and she gave me a hug

"Your right I don't know what I was scared of" she said

"Now go tell everyone you and Parker have till tomorrow or I'm gonna tell everyone" I said and she nodded

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