Chapter 40

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Allison's pov

"Wow um that's alot" he said and I nodded

"I did bad things yes but it would've been worse if I didn't have Victor he is the one who even gave me the advice and told me to stop acting like I wasn't hurting you that's why I am slowly getting there lucas" I said and he sat down and put his head in hid hands. I walked to him and I picked his head up and he looked at me.

"But I can't slowly get there anymore I want to be with you I want to have pups I want to have our little herd Lucas I want to be happy I want to be with you" I said and he smiled and he pulled me down and kissed me sending sparks down my body.

"Then let's start" he said pulling away and my eyes widened.

"Really" I said and smiled

"Yes right now come on" he said and I smiled i grabbed his hand and I zipped to the cabin into our room and onto the bed and got on top. He smiled and pulled me to him and we kissed. The rest I'm pretty sure you already know.

We layed down and I looked at him and smiled.

"What names are gonna go first if we have a pup" I said

"The boy can be Levi Chris Jones" he said and smiled

"And for the girl it will be Morgan Amelia Jones" I said and smiled and he kissed my crown.

"Or you know what ever name comes up" he said and chuckled

"Yeah" I said and smiled

We started to drift to sleep when Evan walked in and screamed and covered his eyes and I grabbed the covers and covered myself and Lucas did the same.

"EVAN!" Lucas yelled

"Nice bro" he said and smiled i grabbed a pillow and chucked it at him and he fell to the ground and we burst out laughing.

"Good to see your back on good terms" he said and smiled

"Yeah um yeah um Lucas I need to go I need to handle something so I'll be back later" I said and gave him a kiss and I grabbed the sheet and covered myself and went to the restroom. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I put on a maroon crop top loose sweater and some ripped jeans with combat boots. I straightened my hair and put on some mascara and some chapstick and I went downstairs and saw Evan Mel and Lucas.

"Hey guys" i said and smiled

"Hey ally" Mel said and smirked and I glared at Evan and he burst it laughing and I zipped to him and tripped him then zipped next to Lucas. He got up and stopped laughing and I smiled i kissed Lucas's cheek and he smiled.

"Don't you forget Evan I've walked in on you two" I said and their faces got red.

"Bye babe" I said and smiled

"Bye beautiful" lucas said

I zipped to victors and walked in.

"Well come on in" Victor said and I smiled

"Hey how would you love go come to the ancients masquerade ball" Victor said and I smiled

"You still have that" I said

The Ancient Masquerade Ball has been around since 1452 Victor and his siblings made it. It was a huge ball they had once every year. They were beautiful and elegant. Every girl dreamed of going. We heard about it along time ago but they stopped doing them around 10 years ago. Don't know why to be honest.

"Well we haven't had one in 10 years I think it's time we start doing it again. It's tradition and I would love to invite you and anyone you want to invite" he said and I smiled

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