Chapter 30

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Allison's pov

I haven't been able to sleep. I haven't been able to eat. I haven't been able to do anything but focus on where kai is.

"Baby you need to eat it's been two days" Lucas said and I looked away.

"Would you be able to eat if your brother was kidnapped" I said and I looked at him.

"No" he said and looked down

"Then don't" I said and I walked out and went to my office. I closed the door and I locked it and I slid my back down the wall and sar down. I missed kai. I missed his laugh I missed everything. If he dies I don't know what I would do.

I got up and wiped my tears and looked at the area of Alaska again. Then I realized. Damien could do a locators spell. I grabbed the map and ran to Damiens cabin.

I ran in and Damien looked at me.

"You forgetting that you could do a damn locators spell" I said

"Yes but I don't have the spell down" he said and I put the map in front of him.

"Try" I growled and he nodded

"I need your blood" he said I grabbed a knife and sliced my finger and poured it on the map.

He whispered something that I couldn't make out. After a while I saw the blood moving. He kept going and then the blood stopped.

"That's where he is I'm hoping" Damien said I looked at where it was and I ran outside and shifted into my dragon.

"ALLISON!" Damien yelled and I looked at him

"Take me with you" he said and he climbed on and I flew there.

When we got to the cabin it looked the same as in the dream Damien brought a big shirt for me so I was covered. I went to the door that led to the basement but it was empty. I sniffed around and I smelled kai. I focused on his scent to the point where I could see a path of it. I ran and followed it and Damien followed then the smell started going away.

"No no no no no" I growled when the scent was gone I fell to my knees and I started to cry.

"We will find kai allison" he said I thought of the rogues who took him. Who took my little damn brother who was 4 damn years old. Who they hit and still could be hitting. It sent anger all through my body Damien backed up I'm sure it was pouring off me. A growl started in my chest and went up my chest and I picked up my head and I roared. I roared so loud I'm pretty sure everyone in Alaska heard. Birds flew every where. After I stopped I cried.

"We need to go you probably called alot of rogues here" he said

"Let them come I'm itching to kill something" I growled

"Allison your acting the way you did in nevada" he said

"Except these rogues aren't innocent" I said we heard a crack and I turned around.

"Run Damien I don't want you to see me like this" I said and I felt my wolf coming out.

"Your forgetting I'm a wolf too" he said and I looked at him.

"I said run" I said my voice was demanding and deep. But he didn't leave he just went up a high tree and I growled I turned around and I saw a few rogues and smiled.

"You picked the wrong girl to fuck with" I said and they growled my wolf came closer she wanted just as much blood on her paws as I did on my hands. I lunged at then and ripped one of their heads clean off. Then I grabbed the other one and threw him to the tree. I grabbed another one by the shoulder and pushed my hand through his chest and ripped his heart out. Then I saw alot of rogues coming about 20 or 25 of them. I growled at them and they came at me. One by one they fought me. I grabbed an arm and pulled it off the rogue and then I grabbed one of their heads and ripped their throat out I pushed one of my hands through a chest and my other hand through another and I ripped out their hearts. I looked at the other rogues and they growled and I growled back and I lunged at them. Head after head arm after arm and heart after heart I pulled them out. I looked at the last rogue and I grabbed him by the throat.

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