Chapter 6

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Allison's pov

"How um how do you know about that" he said I flashed my eyes at him and he looked shocked he jumped up and went to the safe and pulled out a book and handed it to me.

"No one has ever read this book except for him and that witch it teaches you how to do whatever you do apparently you can compel people um fire and ice of course um and I think that's it" he said and gave me the book.

"Its been passed on he said no one can opt the book unless your like him. You just need a drop of blood and one on the first page" he said and I nodded I started to walk out and he stopped me

"Please be safe don't go alone anywhere now that this secret is out alot of people will know so be careful I can't lose my ally girl" he said and I gave him a hug

"I love you pop" I said

"I love you too ally girl now go and study gotta alot to learn" he said and I went to my cabin and see Ethan and Mack

"Hey your home early" Mack said

"Yeah um hey Ethan your an ancient that means you know about my great great great great grandpa" I said and he widened his eyes

"Who told you" he said I sat down and let my claws grow out and I sliced my finger and poured a drop of blood on the book and it opened.

"How did you get that book" Mack said

"My dad gave it to me he said no one has ever read it it's for my eyes only" I said

"There's no words" Ethan said looking through it I put a drop of blood on the paper and the words appeared

"Still don't see anything" Ethan said

"What the words are right there" I said

"I don't see anything ally" Ethan said I grabbed the book and started to read.

November 9th 1590

I feel power and energy running in my veins the fire and ice come out whenever I can't control it the first time I shifted it hurt so bad I felt like I was dying. It was worse then shifting into a wolf. As much as I love being both werewolf and dragon it comes with it's cons. Rick. Rick is my con. Rick is an ancient and once he found out my secret he came after me he hated that he wasn't the one to be the most powerful over werewolves. We became slaves and I wanted to do something about it so I turned to a witch. My mother. The most powerful with ever created. I asked her to help me defeat Rick so that way wolves wouldn't bow down to any coven ever again so she did. She turned me into a fire and ice dragon who could burn or freeze anything or anyone whom I choose then after I shifted. I met her. The love of my life. Tamara. She was beautiful hair as red as a rose skin so smooth. Her scent smelled like a bunch of roses and chocolate that sends shivers through my body I fell in love with her. She was after all my mate.

I skipped some pages and read another one.

December 23 1592

Rick came for me again threatened Tamara If I didn't go with him over the years I realized I couldn't kill him he was an ancient and it would cause war and I do not wish to kill innocent people during it. So we hid and never looked back.

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