Chapter 8

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Allison's pov

I woke up next to the girls and I chuckled we were all over the place my hand was in Lisa's face my leg was next to Jessica my other arm on Maria my other leg under Ellie we were all tangled. I did one thing I knew I would regret but did it anyway. I growled a deadly growl and they shot up and was ready to fight and I burst out laughing. They looked at me and flicked me off.

"What it was funny when y'all fell" I said and laughed

"Well we have to go Lucas wanted to see you today and have you for himself" ellie said and smiled

"Ohhhh" the girls said and I blushed Lucas walked in and smiled and the girls left and Lisa stood behind Lucas and mouthed

'Get it bitch!' I growled at her to get out and she laughed and left and lucas walked to me and smiled

"Whats going on in that head of yours" i said and looked at him

"How you would look with my mark on you" he said and smiled

"Really I think my skin looks beautiful with out a mark" i said and smirked he growled and slammed his lips on me and i giggled his hands made its way down to my bum and he squeezed it causing a moan to come out and i pulled away.

"Wait I didn't even brush my teeth" i said

"You still taste amazing beautiful" he said and smiled he leaned in but my hand stopped his mouth and i went to the restroom and brushed my teeth. When i finished i walked out lucas was laying down. I walked over and jumped on him.

"Nope moment is gone" he said and i smirked

"You sure baby" I said and I kissed his neck sending shivers down his body.

"Yes" he said controlling himself I got on top of him and I kissed him slowly grinding on him. His chest vibrated and he let out a low growl when I sucked on his neck. He flipped us over and his eyes were black.

"Thought the moment was over" I said and smirked

"Oh shut up beautiful" he said he slammed his lips on me and sparks went through my body. He slowly took off my shirt and he took off his. His lips were still connected to mine not leaving for even a second. He pulled down my shorts and took off his leaving us in our underwear. He pulled away and looked at me.

"You. Are. Stunning." He said and I blushed and covered my face and he moved my hands.

"Hey don't hide your face I love it when you blush" he said and smiled he leaned down and kissed me. He took off my bra and underwear and I took off his.

He pulled away and looked at me.

"Are you sure I don't wanna do this if you don't want to" he said and I smiled

"I want to" I said and he smiled back at me and he looked at my body and I looked at his. Let me tell you. I'm a very very very lucky girl. He placed kisses all on my body exploring every inch of my body until he got to a place where he made me melt. He put a finger inside and started going in and out as I moaned I felt a wet tongue down there and I just went to the moon and came back. I pulled on his hair and moaned he stopped when he saw me get close to releasing to tease me. He slammed his lips on me the kiss was passionate but rough. He put himself in between my legs and slowly went inside me causing me to moan so loud. He started off slow but I wanted more.

"Lucas please go faster.." I moaned and he did. He made me melt with every kiss and touch. I was clawing at his back causing him to groan. That's when my fangs grew and my eyes started to glow and I looked at him.

"Go ahead baby" he said and I did I marked him in the spot where it pleasured him the most he groaned out as I saw images of his past go through my head. I took out my fangs and licked his wound he took himself out of me and started to kiss my neck. He got to a spot and I moaned. He looked at me and made sure I wanted it and I nodded I moved my hair out of the way and his fangs grew and his eyes glowed he leaned down and marked me I screamed out in pain for a second and it soon turned into a moan and all it was, was pure pleasure. He took out his fangs and licked the wound and it sent electricity all through my body sparks going everywhere. He fell next to me and we were both breathing heavy.

"That was...." I cut him off

"Amazing" I said and he smiled

"Yeah" he said

"I should shower" I said

"Me too but I need to go first I have to meet Dom and joe in like 30 minutes" Lucas said and I nodded he went to take a shower and I slipped on a big shirt and went to the mirror and looked at my mark and smiled it was a Crescent moon with his initials under it 'LJ' I touched it and it sent shivers down my body.  After a while Lucas came out and got dressed he gave me a quick kiss goodbye and left I got some clothes and took a shower. I got out dried off and got dressed I let my hair dry and I put it in a messy bun. I started to pack my bags because I'm leaving tomorrow i frowned at the thought. Oh my god I haven't even introduced Lucas to Parker yet. Shit how the hell could I forget! I'll wait till Lucas gets back to go and introduce him.

A few hours passed and Dom busted through the doors with a face that I can't even explain but it looked scared.

"Ethan Mack your parents malakai Parker and Lucas are gone.." Dom said

"What do you mean gone" I growled

"There not here anywhere to be found Lucas was supposed to meet me and joe and he was 3 hours late your parents and your brothers haven't been seen since last night Ethan and Mack just disappeared" Dom said I was fuming. Boiling angry.

'Mom dad Lucas Mack Ethan where are you!?' I yelled through the link I felt them but it was faint.

Then I felt a sharp pain in my side and I screamed in pain. I fell to my knees and my shoulder started to hurt as well I felt like I was being stabbed.

"Ally! What's wrong what's wrong" Dom said

"Something's wrong Lucas is hurt" I said I growled at the thought of someone hurting my mate. My mind trailed at the thought at who would hurt him. I looked at dom and I ran outside.

"ALLISON" Dom yelled I jumped into the air shifting into the dragon. No one. No one fucking hurts my family and my mate. Someone is gonna die and it's not him. My little fucking brother is 3! Who tf would do that. Then I knew. I knew exactly who would.

Cliffhangerrrrrr sowwwwwyyyyyy!


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