Chapter 46

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Allison's pov

"Open." I said

"Where are we" he said

"The Amazon rainforest" I said and smiled

"We can be ourselves here there's a dozen packs here but there hidden with spells so if any humans enter this forest no matter what they will see trees" I said

"Wait then we're trespassing" he said and I chuckled

"Please I've been here about a million times you think I would come here and not meet the alphas and the lunas" I said and smiled

"I know every single pack in the world in two years I've been everywhere some packs live in small towns where they can live because they would rather live in homes and have real jobs their lifestyle is different some live in rainforests jungles and stuff like that it's beautiful I've met alot of people seen and heard alot of things and know alot of secrets I may have been a bitch but I pushed that down when I was on pack lands they were nice actually every alpha and every Luna were very different from everyone else everyone makes it out to be like they are all the same but they arent" I said we started to walk through the rainforest and I told him more about it.

"In 1478 a pack found this place by sailing that's how all the packs started yeah humans found it in the 1500's but werewolves were here first they live good lives here alot of animals alot of witches and there are some vampires here too I know alot of hybrids are here they hid here because Rick would never think to look here no one would the very first alpha and Luna were Alexander and Eleanor Clark they explored made sure it was safe and then they made their homes but they had alot of fun they have traditions that are different they spar different and their techniques are awesome they run faster than any other wolves I've seen almost as fast as me to be honest" I said

"How do you know about this" he said

"I have great memory they told me the stories and the legends even some myths there's alot of stuff out there you just have to really see it" I said and smiled

"Tell me more" he said and smiled

"The pack i went to first was a pack called Wacano it's a weird name but has a lot of history but way back then they weren't called alphas and Lunas they were called queens and kings they came from the human world they lived in secret among them even know they knew they were at risk because the humans were so close to finding them when they left it's because they were chased out so they sailed here so they are called that they didn't start calling themselves alphas and Lunas until another pack came around they landed here in 1624 they thought it was weird saying alpha and Luna but they decided it was their right they always felt like they were higher than queens and kings so they changed their names to alpha and Luna so after that they welcomed any pack and now there are 12 packs here and they are all friends and never once have had a war since they have been here they are actually really peaceful" I said and smiled then a wolf came out and tackled me and we flipped a few times and I ended up on top and I chuckled.

"Ryder you always surprise me" I said and chuckled he licks my face and I laugh and I heard Lucas growl.

"Oh calm down Lucas he's gay and has a mate" I said I got up and Ryder went behind a tree and shifted back and put on clothes.

"Allison it's good to see you" he said and smiled

"Good to see you too how is andy" I said and smiled

"Great we adopted a pup" he said

"Oh my moon goddess speaking of I just had twins!" I said

"WOW CONGRATS!" he said and hugged me

"This is my mate lucas" I said and smiled and he looked at me.

"Its fine we had a long talk" I said and he looked at Lucas.

"Now I may be no alpha but I'm a damn good warrior and I will have you on your ass in seconds" he said and Lucas nodded

"How's the pack?" I said

"Its good The alpha and Luna had a daughter her name is Leandra Allison Clark" he said and smiled and Lucas looked at me.

"Alexander and Eleanor Clark?" Lucas said and I nodded

"Ryder is from Wacano and they gave her my name as her middle name" I said and smiled

"What can I say they loved you so much like a daughter they would do anything for you honestly you changed their life challenged them" Ryder said and smiled

"Ugh I love them" i said and smiled

"You came for a visit" Ryder said

"Well technically yes but not to the packs I just came to show Lucas but I will come back soon I'll probably bring Levi and Liam" I said

"You had boys?" He said and I nodded

"I had then two days ago" I said

"What are you doing here you should be resting then" he said

"Dragons heal faster than anything so I'm okay" I said and smiled and he nodded

"Allison I really hate to ruin the whole reunion but Evan is wondering where we are" he said and I nodded and I gave Ryder a hug.

"I'll be by soon tell Jan and Bryan I would love to meet leandra" I said and he nodded

"Bye allison" he said I grabbed Lucas's hand and ran all the way home.

We got home and they looked at us.

"Where did you go Jesus Liam has been crying and levi well Levi is the good one" Jane said I grabbed Liam and gave him a bottle.

"He was just hungry" I said and smiled

"Where did you go" Mel said

"I took her to the new house I had built and then she took me to her favorite spots" Lucas said and smiled

"Well then let's get on with our night shall we" Stephan said and smiled

"We shall" I said and smiled.

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