Chapter 53

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Allison's pov

"So when are we going to silver creek" I said

"In the morning there is a new Luna there. Her name is Malia parks" Lucas said

"Malia?" I said

"You know her?" Lucas said

"Yeah well no i knew her parents she's a Luna now?" I said

I met malia's parents when I left for two years. I met her parents when I went through willow creek. I kept in conctact with them and 4 years later they had malia. Ive never met her but i heard her parents got attacked by rogues when she was 10. After that I didn't hear anything else about her till now.

"Is she okay" I said

"Yeah did you hear the part where she is the luna" Lucas said

"Shut up" I said and he laughed

"Her mate is mason woods she has a twin brother at willow creek he's the alpha there her parents are staying with her brother at willow creek" he said

"Her parents??" I said

"Yeah" he said

"Her parents are dead lucas" I said

"No they are alive how do you know malia anyways" he said

"I met her parents but ive never net her i met them when I left 20 years go remember I left for two years. I went through willow creek and her parents let me stay the night I heard about malia but I've never heard of her having a twin" I said

"Huh that's weird" he said

"She's a black wolf Allison she's the black wolf with silver eyes" Lucas said

"Those are rare" he said

"I was a black wolf" I said

"Yeah but your eyes glowed blue even though you have brown eyes it's weird I never noticed that" he said and I chuckled.

"Anyways they are rare and they are considered royalty they have the ability to roar and it reach all of Alaska their roar is so powerful but it sends out any message they want like a warning or if they are looking for someone they can send out that message to look for them" he said

"Martin told me about them they I'm they have this thing called a power transfer it's crazy two black wolves battle for power they roar and which ever one bows down to the other they lose their power and die while the wolf who wins gets their power all their senses are heightened they are faster than vampires they smell anything within miles they would be here and they could smell blood all the way from yellow stone they can see anything from miles away too they can hear anything within about 100 miles from them it's amazing vampires also have a powerful connection with then they have this insane need to protect them" I said

"So are your powers you are faster than that" he said and smiled and I laughed

"Actually I'm not with training they can actually go as fast as I can" i said

"Damn" he said and I nodded

"Yeah I know it's crazy with the right training they could be really powerful Lucas faster stronger more alert on their surroundings. They could sense you coming from miles away they don't know how to do it at first but they train and they control it and they could do it they can carry a dann train if they really wanted to" I said

"Well fuck" he said and I laughed

"So we agree and so do they" Lucas said and I nodded

"Levi will be alpha and Liam will be beta" I said and he nodded

"Liam doesn't want to be alpha anyways it's more of Levi who looked forward to it" I said and he nodded Levi and Liam turned 18 yesterday and Morgan turned 17 last month. Kai turned 26 about a few weeks ago too.

"Well let's get some sleep we have about a four hour drive tomorrow" Lucas said and I nodded I can't wait to meet malia and see what the whole story is on her parents.

I woke up and me and Lucas took a shower. We packed and so did the kids.

"Kai, Morgan, Levi, Liam you guys ready?" I said

"Yes mom!" They yelled they all came down with their bags and we loaded the car.

"Lets go" I said and smiled

"Wait uncle Evan and aunt Mel aren't coming?" Morgan said

"No they are busy with Jessica and Jake" I said Jessica and Jake are their kids who are twins. Mel freaked when she found out her face was hilarious.

"Kai where is Cora is she coming?" I said Kai and Cora ended up being mates it was weird but it happened I guess the moon goddess just decided why not mix a vampire and a werewolf together. Everyone knows a bite from a vampire can kill a werewolf but when Cora marked Kai he just turned into a hybrid which we were lucky with. We are just a land full of hybrids it's pretty cool if you think about it. Levi and Liam haven't found their mate and Morgan could find her mate soon.

"Yeah she-" Kai was cut off by Cora

"Here" she said zipping to us and we chuckled. We put her stuff in the car and took off to silver creek.

Our lives are pretty much at a good place Parker and Leah are happy with their kids. They had Peter and then two years later Peyton Morgan Quinn was born. Oh and kai and cora are working on their kid and when Kai told us I was so happy but sad because I'm going to be a grandma but not really I would really be their aunt I don't know it's complicated as you know.

"What's going in in that pretty little head of yours" Lucas said and I smiled

"Not you" I said and the kids laughed and he growled and I chuckled.

"Baby don't be mad" I said and kissed his cheek and the kids groaned and we laughed.

I looked out the window and started to drift off to sleep.

The cross over is here!! I'm thinking this should be a fun thing to do! Maybe 5 or six more chapters maybe more don't know yet!


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