Chapter 19

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Lucas's pov (surprisingly)

It's been two days since Allison has been gone and I don't know what she's doing but I trust her. Right now I'm making sure everyone is nice and safe in hiding getting food and stuff to them. Carson and Ken are still telling William that he's getting everyone on that list but there is this one girl. Her name is Joan she's so eager to get out. She wants to go meet someone that she's running out of time. We cut off all there connections to the internet so they honestly don't talk to anyone but the alphas the Lunas or the people in hiding. But Joan she's really worrying me she seems so off.

Allison's pov

"Okay these are the cameras and the ear pieces" lacey said and she out them on us.

"Okay" Elijah said he grabbed a head set and put it on.

"Can you hear me" he whispered into the mic and we all nodded

"Okay go before your late" lacey said and we all got out and spreaded out.

Nick and Eli were always in my sight and I made sure I was always in theirs.

"Okay guys you know what William looks like right" Elijah said into our ear pieces

"Yes" I said

"Okay Allison after they cut the ribbon you make sure you have eyes on William okay?" Elijah said and I nodded

"We are gonna hack into the cameras at the party so we can see you that way you don't look weird talking to yourselves" lacey said and chuckled.

After an hour of a boring speech they finally cut the ribbon and we all went inside to the party. Of course we spread out.

"Alright Allison your up first the guy in the blue tux with the beard at the bar is your target go flirt a bit and if something goes wrong scratch your head" lacey said I walked to the bar and stood next to the guy and I ordered a drink.

"Scotch clean" I said and the bartender nodded

"You look a little young to be drinking" the guy said

"You look a little lonely to be judging" I said and looked at him and he chuckled and scooted over.

"What's your name" he said

"Amy" I said and he held out his hand

"Matthew" he said and I shook his hand

"So amy tell me about yourself" he said

"Allison test the compulsion nothing to crazy" Elijah said I looked into his eyes and they dialated.

"Are you wearing pants" I said and elijah chuckled into my ear.

"Yes" he said like a robot

"Okay ask for the key" Elijah said

"What's the key to the secret floor" I said

"The only key to that room is my hand print and William Davidson hand and everyone that works down there" he said

"Well your gonna go with my friends down there and your gonna listen to every word they say what about the key to every door in the building" i said and he held up a plastic card and I took it.

"Thank you" i said and smiled

Georgie Maria precious and Jane walked with the guy to the elevator and Paul and Stephan passed by and I held the card out on my side and he grabbed it as he walked by and I drank my drink.

"Good job Allison now girls go down there and Paul Joe and Stephan go to the 29th floor and joe watch the doors" Elijah said

"Hey gorgeous" I heard and it was this guy who looked like his ego was bigger than my dragon.

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